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 Happy 4th of July everyone!

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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 3:18 pm

I just wanna say happy independents day to everyone that reads this. And to those of you who are in the military (Including our allies), Thank you for everything you've done and are doing, god bless you all.

Oh and to those of you that don't live in the states, just have yourself a good day,
go easy, step lightly, stay free!

Happy 4th of July everyone! Happy_10

This We'll Defend

Semper Fidelis

Semper Paratus

Honor, Courage, Commitment

Integrity First
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Last edited by Stevearm on Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 4:30 pm

Yeah have a good one guys what ever you are doing to celebrate if you do. I know I dont celebrate our national day which to some makes me a political correct liberal pansy apparently but enjoy your day.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 4:56 pm

cooking dogs and burgers tonight other than that not much
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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 6:49 pm

kieran wrote:
Yeah have a good one guys what ever you are doing to celebrate if you do. I know I dont celebrate our national day which to some makes me a political correct liberal pansy apparently but enjoy your day.
glad to see there are no hard feelings after the revolution
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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 7:41 pm

Jukebox Romeo wrote:
kieran wrote:
Yeah have a good one guys what ever you are doing to celebrate if you do. I know I dont celebrate our national day which to some makes me a political correct liberal pansy apparently but enjoy your day.
glad to see there are no hard feelings after the revolution

lmao, I didn't even think about that xD
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 2:50 am

I love the 4th of July, prolly more than any other holiday, only because it never lets you down. There's always BBQ's, it's always sweltering hot, and there's always fireworks at the end.

Actually, the only tradition that my family has (when it comes to holidays) is watching Independence Day (Will Smith movie) every 4th of July. Sounds cheesy, but I love it. Unfortunately, my wife hates that movie, so I skipped it this year (the fam's in San Diego, I'm in Austin).

However, I did go to I Love Video and rented The Future Is Unwritten (Joe Strummer doc), so I'm pretty stoked to be watching that tomorrow, been meaning to check it out.
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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 6:50 am

Yes! Every year we get to celebrate the time we really stuck it to the Brits, with the help of the French no less!

Strange times indeed.
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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
steady now steady now

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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 12:22 pm

tdawg wrote:
Yes! Every year we get to celebrate the time we really stuck it to the Brits, with the help of the French no less!

Strange times indeed.

But you can't help being inspired by our music ... just as we are by yours.
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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 2:02 pm

To quote Homer Simpson: "Our Beatles are better than your Rolling Stones!!"
Wait, err....

But yes, it's an interesting cultural exchange. I still can't believe how many UK peeps there are on this board!
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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 6:28 pm

tdawg wrote:
Yes! Every year we get to celebrate the time we really stuck it to the Brits, with the help of the French no less!

I don't want to get involved in a cultural slagging off match, and have to try really hard not to make a comment about the French and military 'victories'!

Anyway I think it's cool you guys in the USA celebrate a big holiday like this as we don't in the UK. We have St. George's Day but generally mosy people don't make that big a deal of it, which is a shame.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 7:08 pm

Tomaldo wrote:
tdawg wrote:
Yes! Every year we get to celebrate the time we really stuck it to the Brits, with the help of the French no less!

I don't want to get involved in a cultural slagging off match, and have to try really hard not to make a comment about the French and military 'victories'!

Anyway I think it's cool you guys in the USA celebrate a big holiday like this as we don't in the UK. We have St. George's Day but generally mosy people don't make that big a deal of it, which is a shame.

To true haha.

Im glad we dont celebrate St. Georges. It becomes and excuse for petty nationalism and becomes a platform for hardline nationalists like the BNP to propagate their racist propaganda and other such nonsense.

He wasnt even from Britian and is the patron saint of many countries so dont see why this has to be revered with such importance especially by non religious types.
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Happy 4th of July everyone! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 4th of July everyone!   Happy 4th of July everyone! Icon_minitime

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Happy 4th of July everyone!
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