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 Live Review: Gaslight Anthem @London Feis Festival

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Join date : 2010-07-26
Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Live Review:  Gaslight Anthem @London Feis Festival Empty
PostSubject: Live Review: Gaslight Anthem @London Feis Festival   Live Review:  Gaslight Anthem @London Feis Festival Icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2011 1:41 pm

Being a huge Gaslight Anthem fan I enjoy it when they go down well with an audience and was happy to see a few fans sporting their t-shirts. Even though some of the acts at London Feis weren’t just straightforward Irish Folk outfits I was apprehensive about whether the Fies crowd would take to Gaslight Anthem as they were quite different to everything else on the bill.

To my surprise, and delight, a large amount of people moved forward when they came on and many appeared from around the site to check them out. The sound was somewhat iffy during their set, but they were so sharp that it actually didn’t take anything away from their set and didn’t seem to affect the crowd’s enjoyment. The Alcohol was flowing, which was to be expected at an Irish Festival, and Gaslight are one of those bands that are just so appealing to get up and enjoy with a Beer in hand.

I was actually more excited about seeing them than I was Dylan, and they didn’t disappoint. The only thing they really could have done to enhance the performance would have been to play “Drive” or “Great Expectations”.

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Live Review: Gaslight Anthem @London Feis Festival
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