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 Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion

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billy pilgrim
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2009 6:46 am


Bit of a shock. To me anyway.
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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2009 8:26 am

Quote :
The title "Sink or Swim" came from the feeling Fallows had about this being his last chance to make it and he tightened up his songwriting.
hmm...sounds a bit like Born to Run...and who the hell is Fallows?
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Red In The Morning
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2009 12:56 am

It's interesting to hear Brian's answers to questions about his beliefs... I mean, I would assume that the majority of religious people in the United States would consider themselves Christian, but it seems like lately, saying that you believe in God makes you some sort of right-wing crazy person.

I'll admit, there are some right-wing crazy people out there who try to force their religion on you, but there are also people who are atheist who are equally pushy. I guess it's just cool to see someone calmly state what they believe and talk about it rationally. I agree w/ Brian when he says that (paraphrasing) there's pieces of truth worth taking from lots of places.

On a side note, I love the sound of The Gaslight Anthem, but along w/ the music, the lyrics are what make these guys so special. In my opinion, his beliefs are what bring those songs so much "soul". I'm not a musical historian, but I would say that one of the ingredients to soul music is gospel music (see also: the title of Brian's split w/ Chuck Ragan).
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The Navesink Banks
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2009 3:09 am

i think its safe to say that there are people on both sides of the argument that are a bit crazy, as there are in any case...im not religious at all, but i respect people who are, as long as theyre not trying to push their beliefs on me.
but not being religious in this country can make you feel ostracized...you tell people you dont share a belief in their god and they look at you like youre evil. from my viewpoint, people have a much harder time comprehending that and respecting that than they do if you share a god or a religion with them.
personally id rather not be too concerned with his religion, i dont want that to have any impact on the music that i love. however im not saying he should hide his beliefs, at all. i respect his beliefs and he seems genuine, and it doesnt really matter beyond that.
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steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2009 4:32 am

clashrock11 wrote:
In my opinion, his beliefs are what bring those songs so much "soul". I'm not a musical historian, but I would say that one of the ingredients to soul music is gospel music (see also: the title of Brian's split w/ Chuck Ragan).

This is a fair point. In Springsteen's case, the themes and imagery of his lyrics certainly show that he has had a long but difficult relationship with Roman Catholicism. The gospel influence is also obvious in many of his songs.

I think Brian says he is more of a 40 days in the desert kind of guy, and I can certainly see him turning the other cheek and loving his neighbour. That's the bit which the right wing nutters don't get.
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2009 6:04 am

steph wrote:
im not religious at all, but i respect people who are, as long as theyre not trying to push their beliefs on me.

Ditto; religion is private and should stay that way in my opinion.

I also agree with the lyrics being one of the best things about the Gaslight Anthem- Brian Fallon deserves the title 'lyrical genius'.
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billy pilgrim
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2009 12:33 pm

That's interesting. I have some kind of weird spiritual views myself, but I'm all for people believing whatever they want, as long as they don't use those beliefs to justify hurting people.

Although...I kind of balk at the idea of telling someone "this is what's up." I think spirituality is incredibly personal and that no one person's solution will work for anyone else. Many ways up the same mountain and all that.

(Do you all think I'm really weird yet?)
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The Navesink Banks
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeWed Jun 10, 2009 2:30 pm

billy pilgrim wrote:
That's interesting. I have some kind of weird spiritual views myself, but I'm all for people believing whatever they want, as long as they don't use those beliefs to justify hurting people.

Although...I kind of balk at the idea of telling someone "this is what's up." I think spirituality is incredibly personal and that no one person's solution will work for anyone else. Many ways up the same mountain and all that.

(Do you all think I'm really weird yet?)

not at all...not from this particular statement, anyways. i totally agree that spirituality is personal and different for everyone.
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Red In The Morning
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeSun Oct 18, 2009 11:50 pm

clashrock11 wrote:
It's interesting to hear Brian's answers to questions about his beliefs... I mean, I would assume that the majority of religious people in the United States would consider themselves Christian, but it seems like lately, saying that you believe in God makes you some sort of right-wing crazy person.

I agree completely, and it's really a shame how prevalent that attitude is these days. Considering that so many basic tenets of Christianity - like acceptance of others, humility, avoiding casting judgment on others - are completely against what the right-wing nuts preach, there's obviously a huge distinction between different "types" of Christians that we need to recognize.

Anyway, I think it's pretty cool that Brian's comfortable enough to "out" himself as a Christian...haha
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Red In The Morning
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2009 5:19 am

Jukebox Romeo wrote:
Quote :
The title "Sink or Swim" came from the feeling Fallows had about this being his last chance to make it and he tightened up his songwriting.
hmm...sounds a bit like Born to Run...and who the hell is Fallows?

Brian Fallows' Safari Planet

My on-topic edit: The big problem with Christianity in America isn't with the Christianity at all; it's the political ideals that so many people get behind in the name of Christianity. And it's those "christians" that will pick and choose which parts of the teachings of Jesus they will follow, based on how they could make their life more comfortable.
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Red In The Morning
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2009 4:54 pm

I wasn't so surprised as Brian mentioned reading some CS Lewis... especially "the problem of pain", although he's supposed to have been raised Irish Catholic... but yeah, really not surprised at all.
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Red In The Morning
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2010 6:04 am

What I want to know, is how he's been "...tried and tested in ways that a lot of people can't ever comprehend and won't ever know."
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Red In The Morning
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2010 6:05 am

[quote="steady now steady now"]
clashrock11 wrote:
In my opinion, his beliefs are what bring those songs so much "soul". I'm not a musical historian, but I would say that one of the ingredients to soul music is gospel music (see also: the title of Brian's split w/ Chuck Ragan).

This is a fair point. In Springsteen's case, the themes and imagery of his lyrics certainly show that he has had a long but difficult relationship with Roman Catholicism. The gospel influence is also obvious in many of his songs. quote]

And when he's talking about being like Johnny Cash, impending doom et al. Makes me think, there's nothing quite like the fear of God to give us some good soul.
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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 2:02 am

It makes sense to me that Fallon believes strongly in his faith and lives it too. The way he speaks and carries himself, his humility; it's what we're taught to do but many seem to forget.
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The Poet Jonah
The Poet Jonah

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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeSun Feb 12, 2012 5:25 pm

I realize this post is REALLY old but I'd LOVE to read the article but the link is broken can someone please find this article for me?! or transcribe it on here? thank you!
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion   Express Night Out - Brian discusses religion Icon_minitimeSun Feb 12, 2012 6:19 pm

The Poet Jonah wrote:
I realize this post is REALLY old but I'd LOVE to read the article but the link is broken can someone please find this article for me?! or transcribe it on here? thank you!

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