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 The People You Meet at Shows

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Jukebox Romeo
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Shirtless Sweaty Kid
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap8%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 8% [ 3 ]
Smelly Guy
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap8%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 8% [ 3 ]
Androgynous Person
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap3%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 3% [ 1 ]
The Couple
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap18%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 18% [ 7 ]
Slightly Creepy Older Guy
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap8%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 8% [ 3 ]
Short Girl
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap18%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 18% [ 7 ]
Dude Who Likes Singing While Looking At You
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap8%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 8% [ 3 ]
Overly Energetic Guy
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap21%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 21% [ 8 ]
Dude Who Likes Yelling Things
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap5%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 5% [ 2 ]
Dude Who Loves Opening Pits
The People You Meet at Shows Vote_lcap5%The People You Meet at Shows Vote_rcap
 5% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 39

Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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PostSubject: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 6:21 pm

Me and my buddy were talking about this on the ride home from the Gaslight show. We were talking about different people in the crowd and how there's one of them at every show. So far we've got:

Shirtless Sweaty Kid: This is the guy who feels the need to take off his shirt and rub against you the entire show, and no matter how hard you try to get away from him, he always seems to follow you.

Smelly Guy: This guy is smelling weird way before the show even starts. Often overweight with long hair as well.

Androgynous Person: You spend at least a song and a half trying to figure out if this is a guy or a girl. This person has longish hair for a guy and short hair for a girl, and is a variety of shapes, so you can't get a read on them body-wise. Often has an earring or two and glasses.

The Couple: The guy's dragged the girl to the show, and now they're in the pit, even though the chick has no business being there. The guy is standing behind his girl, not moving, trying to protect her, and is getting pissed at anyone who bumps into them. You want to punch him in the face.

Slightly Creepy Older Guy: This is the guy in the pit who seems a bit too old for the whole thing. He's in his early- to mid-30s, balding, and surrounded by teenagers. He's into the band, but you kinda wonder about this guy.

Short Girl: This chick is getting beat up in the pit. She keeps falling down, and you're afraid you're gonna kill her. She also presses into all the wrong places when the crowd pushes you into each other.

Dude Who Likes Singing While Looking At You: This guy keeps looking over at you as you sing, trying to make eye contact and sing the words to you, as if you were best friends or something. Weird, creepy, and annoying.

Overly Energetic Guy: This guy is 10x more into the band than anyone else. He's jumping up and down, flailing around, and is always right in front of you. He annoys the crap out of you.

The Little Kid: Usually a boy, sometimes a girl, this kid is like 9 years old, and is trying to hold his own in the pit. He also is obsessed with crowd-surfing.

Dude Who Likes Yelling Things: Whenever the band stops to talk to the crowd, he's either yelling out some obscure song that they never play or heckling the band. You want him to shut up.

Dude Who Loves Opening Pits: This is a large, tall guy, older than most of the kids at the show, and he loves pits. Whether it's a ska show or a punk show, this guy treats it like a thrash metal show, and tells everyone to back up and make a circle at any available opportunity.

So yeah, just thought I'd share. I thought it was pretty funny. Feel free to contribute if you'd like.

Last edited by Jukebox Romeo on Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 6:51 pm

haha thats fucking hilarious..
so true though
i got a kick out of the sweaty kid and the couple cuz those are too that piss the hell out of me lol cuz you see it every show!

ha but you forgot the fat chick.. there is always a huge sweaty chick that is all over the place and loves to shoulder punch lol
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 7:41 pm

Hilarious... I had to add a poll to this... I left off little kid, because no one here is 9 and the polls can only have 10 choices
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 7:53 pm

This is funny- because this happened to me for the first time in NYC the other night at the TGA show- "Dude Who Likes Singing While Looking At You"- never happened before. Kid stared at me while he had his arms around his girl in front of him. I think we need to add the "Kid who doesn't belong at a show" or something of the sort. More often than not you're getting pushed around and bounced around because that's what everyone around you is doing- you're at a show- you dance and jump and move- why does it always seem that there is someone that's right at the stage and constantly giving you "the eyes" and getting pissed because you're bumping into them? Can't handle it- don't go to the show!! This always happens. Even when I'm at the stage- there will be someone next to me. Silly kid trying to take polaroid pictures at a TGA show at The Middle East (Upstairs)....PISSED I kept hitting him and his girlfriend even more so thinking I was doing it on purpose. Yeesh. Kid's half my age, all set.
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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 8:18 pm

I'd also like to add that Shirtless Sweaty Kids often seem to travel in packs, thus increasing their annoyingness.

And yeah, the Dude Who Likes Singing While Looking At You hadn't happened to me until last Tuesday. This dude kept looking at me and like nudging me and stuff until I looked at him. He spent probly 3 songs staring into my eyes until I got the hell away from him. Then I saw him after the show and he started talking to me. He was like, "Hey, I saw you in the pit! What's up man? Sick show huh?" I just kinda kept on walking.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 4:36 am

haah this is so so true! love it! especially the couple one! we had that problem when we were at the Astoria2 gig and there was a couple infront of me. He told me to stop f*cking pushing me! i yelled back "do you want to tell the hundreds of other people behind to stop pushing me?!" He didn't say anything more (!) but made sure he stuck his elbows out! muppet! don't think they'd been at the front of a gig before!
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The People You Meet at Shows Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 9:47 am

Very funny!

The thing with the couples at gigs thing- I have no problem with people going as a couple, but I mean, come on, get with it! Most of the couples I've seen at gigs are so devoid of energy!!!

And perhaps 'while absolutely wasted' should be added to the end of 'Dude Who Likes Yelling Things'!
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 10:35 am

Muppet? I love that!
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 12:17 pm

haha not said it in ages and it just seemed to fit!! Razz
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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 1:03 pm

I don't know that it's a word people use here? I've never heard it in any other way than referring to the old TV show. Love it though.
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 2:36 pm

Muppet is an often used word in Manchester!
Mostly for those who shouldn't have been allowed to pass their driving test or at football matches ( or soccer games)...

Lets see.. people at shows...

The TGA gig I went to really caught me off guard.
I was expecting it to be like everyother one I had been to at the Academy where everyone shoves forward because they want the lead singer's babies however this show was like being part of one huge family. No shoving at all and there was so much respect. They sold the show out so I was more than expecting to be at the back or packed into that room like a sardine but it wasn't the case. I got there 30 mins before doors and ended up at the barrier.
A guy beside me even apolgised after he hit me round the head in high spirits. He was genuinely concerned which doesn't seem to happen a lot.
NO ONE has respect for anyone else or even themselves so it was very refreshing.
I also made some friends there too which is also a rare thing because everyone just seems to get on each other nerves.
Kinda silly right?
Considering we have something in common.

I am usually one of the short girls who pushes their way to the front when everyone is jumping.
My tip is go round the sides to get to the front. Works everytime. Smile
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 6:21 pm

Haha this is awesome, but I don't know that I'm any of these. I'm the tall girl (I'm 5'10") and I always stand in the front cause I don't really like the pit but I like to sing along. I usually wait in line and I get a lot of short girls who show up late and then ask to stand in front of me. Sometimes I let them, but a lot of the times they're rude and I just ignore them. The only problem with being the tall girl at shows is that I get the obnoxious guys yelling things right into my ear.

Yay for shows!
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 7:14 pm

I'm not really any of those. I'm the guy standing in front of the bassist usually singing along. I'm friendly but I defend my place in the front, I don't take my shirt off but I do get pretty sweaty singing and dancing along
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeMon Apr 06, 2009 12:10 pm

ktp wrote:
haah this is so so true! love it! especially the couple one! we had that problem when we were at the Astoria2 gig and there was a couple infront of me. He told me to stop f*cking pushing me! i yelled back "do you want to tell the hundreds of other people behind to stop pushing me?!" He didn't say anything more (!) but made sure he stuck his elbows out! muppet! don't think they'd been at the front of a gig before!

I have a horrible feeling this is the guy who winded me because of his fucking elbows. So I threw my empty can of cider at him.

The worse was the Bristol show on the last UK tour. There where about 4 really preppy kids on the barrier and me and my mate where jumping around fists in the air singing and all that and they just kept mocking everyone that was enjoying it (mocking headbanging, hand gestures etc) Basicaly they shouldn't have been at the show if they where gonna be pricks like that. So me and my mate pushed them of the barrier and stood in their place and laughed at them trying to get back in by "moshing" into us. I dont usually condone this but they wound me up a treat.
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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2009 10:02 pm

i love how 2 people admitted to being "Smelly Guy," 2 to "Slightly Creepy Older Guy," and 1 to "Androgynous Person". at least they're being honest
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2009 11:49 pm

It is the internet did you expect anything else :p
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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 10:45 am

I choose the couple. I've been to Gaslight shows two times and always with my girlfriend. I am hugely into the band but she likes them as well and she knows a lot of songs so she can sing along.
The first time I saw Gaslight it was in a very small venue with all those crazy guys in the front so I had to protect her. The pit was everywhere
The second show was more calm. Me and my girl stood right outside the pit, but I was still singing along by heart with my fist in the air during the louder songs. During songs like Miles Davis and the Cool I would be dancing with my girl.

I think I am an combination between the couple, the energetic guy and the little kid, because I am smaller than most Dutch people.

haha this poll is realy hilarious
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 10:55 am

I have a contribution; The Obbsessed Girl.
The girl who isn't there for the music but solely for the purpose of getting to lead singer so she can marry him.
Obnoxious and likely to hit you in head or insult you on her conquest to be a singers wife.

Theres seems to many of these arising.
Proud to say I am not one and someone please kill me if I do ever turn into one.
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The People You Meet at Shows Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 6:36 pm

LBAZ wrote:
I have a contribution; The Obbsessed Girl.
The girl who isn't there for the music but solely for the purpose of getting to lead singer so she can marry him.
Obnoxious and likely to hit you in head or insult you on her conquest to be a singers wife.

Groupie? Or is that a bit far?
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 5:02 am

Tomaldo wrote:
LBAZ wrote:
I have a contribution; The Obbsessed Girl.
The girl who isn't there for the music but solely for the purpose of getting to lead singer so she can marry him.
Obnoxious and likely to hit you in head or insult you on her conquest to be a singers wife.

Groupie? Or is that a bit far?

haha i agree. they have kind of a demonic look in their eye that say's he's mine back off! not quite a groupie it's taking it to another level!!
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The People You Meet at Shows Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 8:54 am

I still think the crowd you see at Gaslight shows are more friendly/better than at most other shows. For example, I went watching the Enemy (these are probably more familiar to UK users than those outside Europe) and it was full of psychos... I just felt that if one little thing went wrong the whole place would kick off!
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 10:52 am

I know what you mean. It almost like walking on egg shells sometimes and you don't end up having a good time.

Especially when you are around the Obsessed Girl... and that demonic look in her eye. You described it perfectly there ktp!
I agree groupie is too far however I think I may have met one at a show, either that or she was just plain crazy. I think I'll take the latter option.
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The People You Meet at Shows Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 10:58 am

LBAZ wrote:
I know what you mean. It almost like walking on egg shells sometimes and you don't end up having a good time.

It was exactly like that at the Enemy; the venue was far too overcrowded, people so drunk they were falling over and hugging random women stood next to their husbands, a lot of drugs, a guy sparking up a spliff behind me and my mate as soon as the band came on... every time I got my camera out I thought someone was gonna swipe it!

Luckily it's not like that at Gaslight shows- nor the majority of other civilized bands!

I also think I've met groupies at shows too, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt...
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 7:15 pm

I thought the crowd was pretty good at the TGA concert in Edmonton (my hometown), it was an 18+ show though. Though a guy tried to hit on my girlfriend when we were leaving (even though I was holding her hand)--wasn't too happy about that.
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A Contender
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PostSubject: Re: The People You Meet at Shows   The People You Meet at Shows Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 7:26 pm

I do special events security and I usually do concerts. Some fans can get out of hand. I think it usually depends on how organized the event is and the venue.

I did a Megadeth concert, lead singer walked off stage cause someone threw a shoe at him and jumped on the stage. Almost had a riot, but the concert resumed.

Worked a 50 cent concert and everything went fine, pretty uneventful.

Did a metal concert couple weeks ago. Did right stage barricade (most of the fans were young kids) which is pretty much escorting crowd surfers from the barricade area back into the crowd. Most of them were ok, cept for one guy who made it onstage.
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