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 question about a vinyl variation/sticker

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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question about a vinyl variation/sticker Empty
PostSubject: question about a vinyl variation/sticker   question about a vinyl variation/sticker Icon_minitimeWed Sep 11, 2024 8:26 pm

hey all, hope this gets some traffic, this vinyl section seems to be kinda dead.

i picked up a pink vinyl copy of the '59 Sound Sessions off ebay and it arrived today.  i know this is a Euro variant limited to 100 copies, but there was a sticker on the front of it that made me wonder...

question about a vinyl variation/sticker RSwhif4

not sure if it means anything or not, or if it's some sort of employee/promo copy that wasn't supposed to leave their office.  any help would be appreciated. the record was not in it's original wrap, it was opened.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 19
Join date : 2010-10-22

question about a vinyl variation/sticker Empty
PostSubject: Re: question about a vinyl variation/sticker   question about a vinyl variation/sticker Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2024 5:08 pm

Interesting. Can't really help you, I'm afraid, but you could always contact Pirates Press and ask them directly. https://www.piratespress.com
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question about a vinyl variation/sticker
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