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 Platinum Tickets for Dublin, Ireland 29 March (3Olympia)

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Join date : 2024-01-31

Platinum Tickets for Dublin, Ireland 29 March (3Olympia) Empty
PostSubject: Platinum Tickets for Dublin, Ireland 29 March (3Olympia)   Platinum Tickets for Dublin, Ireland 29 March (3Olympia) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 31, 2024 7:06 pm

I've got two great tickets for sale for the Friday night gig in the 3Olympia on 29th of March.

Tickets are in Row D (Circle) seats 5 and 6.  101.55 each (face value)

Just let me know if you're interested and I'll share the purchase link from Ticketmaster over DM
(Fun fact - I completely misunderstood how resale works on Ticketmaster and was wondering why no one snapped these up in the last two months!)

Stay Lucky
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Platinum Tickets for Dublin, Ireland 29 March (3Olympia)
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