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 Album released - what do you think?

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Album released - what do you think? Empty
PostSubject: Album released - what do you think?   Album released - what do you think? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 05, 2023 8:34 am

So History Books has been out for a while now and I guess many people here will have already gathered an opinion on it.

Personally, I'm sad to say that I'm a little disappointed. First and foremost, I do not understand why the album sounds the way it does. To me it sounds more like there's a wet blanket covering everything, just kind of muddy, I guess?

In terms of songwriting, I think it's a pretty solid effort. I enjoy most of the album, and I feel like it's a pretty cool marriage between Local Honey and Get Hurt. It feels very intimate, instrospective and somber in the way that those two records do, and I really get the sense that they really are not trying to prove anything to anyone anymore; this is exactly where they're at, and they stand by it, without pressure or hype hanging over their shoulders. For a band coming out of an 8 year long hiatus, however, I would have expected a bit more hunger and ferocity out of their faster songs, which overall stand out as the weaker ones on the record.
Overall, as I listen through it, there aren't enough moments that have truly blown my mind - of which there are plenty on their previous records - and so I get the feeling that it kind of just passes through. This really is a "listen to the lyrics while laying in bed or going on a walk" type of record. For better or worse.

I give it a 5.5/10.
Highlights: Michigan, 1975 - A lifetime of preludes
I always skip these: Positive charge - History Books

What do you guys think about it?

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