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 "When You're Ready" lyrics

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 69
Join date : 2012-07-23

"When You're Ready" lyrics Empty
PostSubject: "When You're Ready" lyrics   "When You're Ready" lyrics Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2020 6:57 pm

In this life, there will be trouble, but you shall overcome
They'll hurt you in your heartstrings, and leave you in the dust
But you do just like I told you, stand strong and hold your own
A soft answer quiets wrath, a gentle whisper breaks a bone

I can't tell you who to love, I don't know who that might be
I hope they cheer you up like crazy, sweep you right up off your feet
No, I don't want you to grow up, 'cause I don't want you to leave
When you're ready to choose someone, make sure they love you

Make sure they love you half as much as me

In the night there will be darkness, but your light is bright enough
There'll be lovers sometimes leaving, and lovers you'll stand up
But you do just like I told you, keep your heart above all things
It's a wicked world, my lovely, but you don't have to let it in

I can't tell you who to love, I don't know who that might be
I hope they cheer you up like crazy, sweep you right up off your feet
No, I don't want you to grow up, 'cause I don't want you to leave
When you're ready to choose someone, make sure they love you

Make sure they love you half as much as me

So for now, I'll be your audience applause
For now, I'll leave the nightlight on
I know the time is flying, so much has already flown
And I'm watching you just color

Yeah, I'm watching you just color, with your brand new pajamas on

I can't tell you who to love, I don't know who that might be
I hope they cheer you up like crazy, sweep you right up off your feet
No, I don't want you to grow up, 'cause I don't want you to leave
When you're ready to choose someone, make sure they love you

Make sure they love you

God, I pray they love you half as much as me
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A Contender
A Contender

Posts : 291
Join date : 2013-10-07

"When You're Ready" lyrics Empty
PostSubject: Re: "When You're Ready" lyrics   "When You're Ready" lyrics Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2020 9:09 am

These lyrics are adorable. Especially the "I'm watching you just color, with your brand new pajamas on" part. So cute.
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