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 "21 Days" lyrics

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 69
Join date : 2012-07-23

"21 Days" lyrics Empty
PostSubject: "21 Days" lyrics   "21 Days" lyrics Icon_minitimeFri Jan 17, 2020 9:49 am

It's so easy
To fall in love
It's not hard to get lost
Down this river

I miss you most
In the morning
We used to talk over coffee
But now I'm gonna have to find another friend

When it's over
We do the leaving
We do the crying
We do the healing

And they say 21 days 'til I don't miss you

21 days 'til I don't miss you

It's so nice in the night, I would breathe you in
And you would lie and say, "My friend"
I'm just waiting on the Rapture, trying to minimize the damage
And hoping I keep my idle hands occupied

When it's over
We do the leaving
We do the crying
We do the healing

And they say 21 days 'til I don't miss you

21 days 'til I don't miss you

Call it breaking a habit
Call it falling out of love
Call it breaking a habit
One day at a time

When it's over
We do the leaving
We do the crying
We do the healing

And they say 21 days 'til I don't miss you

21 days 'til I don't miss you

Call it breaking a habit

21 days 'til I don't miss you [one day at a time]

Call it breaking a habit

21 days 'til I don't miss you [one day at a time]

Call it being transformed

21 days 'til I don't miss you [by the movement of your mind]

Call it breaking a habit

21 days 'til I don't miss you
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