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 2 hard tickets to Fillmore at Philly (08/15/2018)

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 2
Join date : 2018-08-07

2 hard tickets to Fillmore at Philly (08/15/2018) Empty
PostSubject: 2 hard tickets to Fillmore at Philly (08/15/2018)   2 hard tickets to Fillmore at Philly (08/15/2018) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 10, 2018 8:38 am

I have two extra hard tix for the Philly show on 08/15/2018, the full cost was $60 ea/$120 for the pair (face value + Ticketmaster fees). Ideally I’d like to move the pair together. I can ship them or hand them off at the show since I’m attending with friends (I would require payment via PayPal; Venmo; FB pay prior to ensure the sale is secure).
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2 hard tickets to Fillmore at Philly (08/15/2018)
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