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A forum dedicated to The Gaslight Anthem - Brian Fallon says: ''For consistent and up to the minute stuff, Dimestore Saints is a great place to check out and hang with some really nice people.''
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 Looking for stuff (again)

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 47
Join date : 2014-11-28

Looking for stuff (again) Empty
PostSubject: Looking for stuff (again)   Looking for stuff (again) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 01, 2017 4:18 am

Hey everyone!

Like in the headline I'm looking for some stuff!
Brain Fallon - Georgia 10"
Gaslight Anthem - BSides black/white starbust
Gaslight Anthem - SOS demos 1st press
Gaslight Anthem - 45 RPM Club 7"es
Jared Hart - past lives and pass lines Test press

I know some of them are up on eBay but those prices are bummer! Maybe some of you got some of them twice for selling!

Thank you so much for helping out!

Regards from germany Smile
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