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 Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times

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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times Empty
PostSubject: Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times   Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times Icon_minitimeFri Feb 20, 2009 7:41 pm

Not an interview or anything, just a piece on the band. I was quite shocked to see a piece on them in such a paper tbh. Just thought I'd whack it up for the sake of it.

Quote :

If Bruce Springsteen ever gets a hankering to relive his youthful
glory days, he should hop in his truck, head up the Jersey shore and
check out The Gaslight Anthem tearing things up in a small club. A
ton of acts have tipped the hat to Springsteen of late, some in a good
way (The Hold Steady), some in a truly awful way (The Killers –
remember Sam’s Town ?). The Gaslight Anthem pay their respects with
energy and exuberance. Yeah, they respect their elders, but they don’t
simply head to the photocopying machine. Like Springsteen, The
Gaslight Anthem call New Jersey home (New Brunswick in their case) and
like him, they sing passionate songs about the dreamers, losers,
drifters and gamblers living in such small towns and their struggles,
ennui, ambitions and yearnings. Unlike the others who’ve gotten hip to
Darkness on the Edge of Town and
Born to Run in recent times, for The Gaslight Anthem throwing classic rock’n’roll shapes is just one part of the equation. What
you’re getting here is a thriller of a band who made their bones on the
no-frills hardcore punk scene. They played gigs until they were fit to
drop and their van was ready to be towed away to the breaker’s yard. Along the way, thy learned the goods to get audiences hot under the collar. Their current album,
The ’59 Sound , the one people have been getting very excited
about, is full to the brim with greasy, gritty, anthemic blue-collar
punk rock. There are sharply observed lyrics, a whole bunch of great
sounding guitars, last-gang-in-town harmonies and a lot of soul. (If
you like what you, search out their debut album, Sink or Swim .) Interestingly, The Gaslight Anthem
first came to attention on the punk scene but, unlike so many of their
peers, they have swiftly crossed over. It’s highly unlikely, for
example, that any of the other acts signed to the Side One Dummy label
are getting the same sort of love from the media. “The secret of
rock’n’roll is boys and girls who don’t really want to grow up,” says
lead singer Brian Fallon. “We want to pretend that we’re heroes. The
secret of the band is you try and write words like Tom Waits, you try
and play a live band like Bruce Springsteen, but you try and sound like
The Clash. That’s the ticket.” The Gaslight Anthem play Dublin’s Academy on March 4th. The ’59 Sound is out now on Side One Dummy
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times   Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times Icon_minitimeFri Feb 20, 2009 9:52 pm

Quote :
Gaslight Anthem? What kind of a name is that? Did they loose a bet?

Who said that?
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times   Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times Icon_minitimeFri Feb 20, 2009 10:10 pm

Some gimp on the Kerrange website. It was linked in the TGA Army section. http://www2.kerrang.com/2008/08/kerrang_magazine_06082008.html

I thought it was funny, in the sense it highlighted some peoples ignorance and stuff. It's in my sig space as a diss on the person rather than the band.
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Jukebox Romeo
The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
Jukebox Romeo

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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times   Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2009 2:11 am

yeah, i remember reading all those comments, including that one. those people focused on their name and the way they looked so much. it was terrible
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billy pilgrim
A Contender
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billy pilgrim

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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times   Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2009 4:02 am

Well duh, those are the most important aspects of a band. If chicks don't want to jump the bassist, they're worthless.
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PostSubject: Re: Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times   Gaslight Anthem in The Irish Times Icon_minitime

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