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 New **Interesting** Brian Fallon Interview

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A Contender
A Contender

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New **Interesting** Brian Fallon Interview - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New **Interesting** Brian Fallon Interview   New **Interesting** Brian Fallon Interview - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 5:00 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
ivienco wrote:
"I find the older I get, the less interested in rock music I become. Like rock people don’t even talk about politics anymore – they’re all afraid. Right now you have these PC bands that are just so afraid to shake anything up, and it’s just so dull. They all have their tattoos and they play the same song over and over and I’m just sick of it. I’d rather listen to folk music or country music. I’d rather listen to Top 40 radio than rock music."

Interesting how his description fits him perfectly :/ In my very honest and personal opinion, I love bands like Rise Against or Propagandhi, but, sometimes, I just like to drive my car singing along to music that takes me away from all the shit that's going on in the world, instead of picking it apart for me. I enjoy both things, but I can't have only one. I'd go mad either way.
So, Brian, just keep doing your love songs, we love all of them. But saying rock is out of touch with politics is showing you're just not interested or listening to the wrong music Razz

I mean, I think he's spot on about mainstream rock unfortunately, but the problem is like you said he's listening to the wrong music because there is SOME stuff that exists that is political and what not although honestly not enough. Also, while I'm okay with him not writing about those things it just seems weird to see him complain about it without doing those things. Like Eddie Vedder can make this complaint. So can Tim McIlrath. I feel like Brian maybe should've at minimum worded it differently if he's going to though.

Exactly! I love that they all can be good at their craft without canceling each other. But the thought is somewhat... misguided, to say the least.
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