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 "Mojo Hand" lyrics

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: "Mojo Hand" lyrics   "Mojo Hand" lyrics Icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2016 5:54 pm

I think my girl got a mojo hand
And all the boys in town want her bad
And none of us can sleep, we don't think and we can't eat
Since my girl got a mojo hand.

And they all wanna turn her on,
And they're climbin' through the windows and the doors
And they're crawlin' in my songs, down my halls, and in my thoughts
And they all wanna turn her on.

But where would I go if you left me on my own?
Who could take your place in my soul?
I was lost where you came among the tombs, among the waves
And if you go, honey, God only knows.

I never heard the horses of war,
Did my eyes not see 'em comin' forward?
Did I simply wear you down, with my nerves up so loud?
I never heard the horses of war.

But where would I go if you left me on my own?
Who could take your place in my soul?
I was lost where you came among the tombs, among the waves
And if you go, honey, God only knows.

I think my girl caught a mojo hand.
And I feel like I'll be goin' back,
Back to the beat, to haunt the streets of New Orleans
Since my girl caught a mojo hand.

But where would I go if you left me on my own?
Who could take your place in my soul?
I was lost where you came among the tombs, among the waves
And if you go, honey, God only knows.

Oh honey, God only knows where my heart would blow
With the wind, the chilly wind in October
But here I go, like a storm
Baby, back out on my own

Think I've taken all that I can stand,
Since my girl got a mojo hand.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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PostSubject: Re: "Mojo Hand" lyrics   "Mojo Hand" lyrics Icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2016 7:25 pm

I think this song is brilliant. I take the "mojo hand" to mean that his girl has suddenly become appealing to all the other boys and he is paranoid that he may lose her. The "horses of war" are all the other boys coming to fight for her, which is most likely just in the narrator's head and isn't true. Then at the end of the song, he's so paranoid about her leaving that he can't take it and he ends up leaving by his own choice. Really brilliant songwriting.

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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: "Mojo Hand" lyrics   "Mojo Hand" lyrics Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 2:22 pm

I think it's "Here I go like a stone, baby, back out on my own..." as opposed to 'storm'.
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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: "Mojo Hand" lyrics   "Mojo Hand" lyrics Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 2:39 pm

these lyrics, OMG.
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PostSubject: Re: "Mojo Hand" lyrics   "Mojo Hand" lyrics Icon_minitime

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