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 UK friends I need your help!

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A Contender
A Contender

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UK friends I need your help! Empty
PostSubject: UK friends I need your help!   UK friends I need your help! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2016 1:21 pm

Hi, everyone, I'll be arriving in London on April 3rd to attend all of Brian's UK shows and I need help getting accommodation near the venues, all of them, so it would be Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Nottigham, and Bristol. The only place I have figured out is London cause I have friends there.
Any help will do: I need info on hostels or anything where I can crash for a night.

Thanks in advance!!!
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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UK friends I need your help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK friends I need your help!   UK friends I need your help! Icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2016 12:43 pm

I don't live in the UK but I'd suggest looking up couchsurfing or Airbnb. Good luck!
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A Contender
A Contender

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UK friends I need your help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK friends I need your help!   UK friends I need your help! Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 6:48 pm

Harbortown wrote:
I don't live in the UK but I'd suggest looking up couchsurfing or Airbnb. Good luck!

Yeah those are my next resources haha thanks!!!
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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UK friends I need your help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK friends I need your help!   UK friends I need your help! Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2016 1:54 pm

I'm gonna hijack this thread as I'm probably heading to Manchester in early March. Anybody from there wanna hang out?
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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UK friends I need your help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK friends I need your help!   UK friends I need your help! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 24, 2016 3:22 pm

Hostelworld.com for hostels. Unless apartments etc are a personal preference, hostels are deinitely they way to go with solo travel. Cheaper and meet people a lot easier.
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UK friends I need your help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: UK friends I need your help!   UK friends I need your help! Icon_minitime

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UK friends I need your help!
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