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 Looking for 2015 Spring North American Tour Poster

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-12-24

Looking for 2015 Spring North American Tour Poster Empty
PostSubject: Looking for 2015 Spring North American Tour Poster   Looking for 2015 Spring North American Tour Poster Icon_minitimeFri Dec 25, 2015 3:44 am

I've been looking all over for a fairly recent limited time poster from TGA. I went to see TGA with my friend (the one who got me into them and is an even bigger fan of them than I am) and we saw these posters up for their 2015 Spring North Amiercan tour. Both her and I fell in love with the poster because it had everything we freaking loved in it. TGA, motorcycles, and a cool ass sunset.
Anyways I wasn't able to buy one at the time but she managed to get one. Unfortunately her house burnt down in a fire a few weeks back and she lost almost everything in it that they couldn't immediately grab. Her birthdays coming up in a few weeks and I haven't found a way to cheer her up. I got her every one of TGA's albums on vinyl along with a record player (She loves LPs) but I figured this poster could be the final icing on the cake. I've looked everywhere to find this poster but to no avail. There was one on ebay for $50 which I would of bought in a heart beat if it wasn't already sold. Does anyone know how I may buy one of these? I don't really care how much I have to spend as long as it's not some unreasonably $599 price mark up. Thanks.

Looking for 2015 Spring North American Tour Poster Image12
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-12-02

Looking for 2015 Spring North American Tour Poster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for 2015 Spring North American Tour Poster   Looking for 2015 Spring North American Tour Poster Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 3:32 pm

I've seen them pop up on ebay often. They were reprinted earlier this year so they aren't super rare, usually in the $50 range. Shouldn't be too hard to find one if you keep an eye out. Good luck!
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Looking for 2015 Spring North American Tour Poster
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