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 Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza

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A Contender
A Contender

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Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza Empty
PostSubject: Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza   Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2015 6:03 pm

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but wasnt really sure where else to put it.

Do we know if Brian has any chance of being there? I know hes friends with both chuck and jesse, and hes also supporting him for a show in texas tonight.

I dont really know chucks stuff that well, but im sure hes good in fallon and he are tight. i was supposed to have plans that day, but they were canceled recently, and tickets seem pretty reasonable. if brian was possibly gonna be there i'd definitely show up cause irving is like 15 mins from my apartment.

anyway know anything? thanks.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza   Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2015 12:25 am

No idea, but having Jesse Malin and Chuck Ragan on the same bill is more than worth the price of admission.
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A Contender
A Contender

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Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza   Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2015 12:33 am

I'm sure it is...but I've never really listened to either of them aside from stuff they've done relating to Brian or gaslight.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Location : Back In The Swamps of Jersey

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PostSubject: Re: Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza   Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2015 10:26 am

turnitin2004 wrote:
I'm sure it is...but I've never really listened to either of them aside from stuff they've done relating to Brian or gaslight.

I hear you. But keep in mind, even if Fallon is in the house, he'd likely only guest on a couple Chuck/Jesse songs. Doesn't sound like that would be worth your while.
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PostSubject: Re: Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza   Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza Icon_minitime

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Chuck Ragan/Jesse Malin at irving plaza
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