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 Benny's Confession: He's a Fan of the band

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Benny's Confession: He's a Fan of the band  Empty
PostSubject: Benny's Confession: He's a Fan of the band    Benny's Confession: He's a Fan of the band  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2015 6:43 am

The Gaslight Anthem drummer Benny Horowitz admitted that, while it might sound arrogant (or, as he put it, "Lars Ulrich-y"), he is a fan of The Gaslight Anthem.

While he listens to his band's songs with a particular ear for the drum parts, Horowitz said there are lyrics, parts and sounds that "just ring with me."

"Sometimes I feel like I'm not in the band, but I'm just rocking out with the band," he said.

And yet, from an insider's perspective, he said songs often speak to him in a sentimental fashion.

"People forget that we're people in the bands. Fans associate certain songs with certain memories, and so do we. There was stuff going on in our lives when we wrote or recorded a certain song that makes it take on a larger narrative."

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Benny's Confession: He's a Fan of the band
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