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 Sink or swim album artwork

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Sink or swim album artwork Empty
PostSubject: Sink or swim album artwork   Sink or swim album artwork Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2015 1:19 pm

Does anyone know anything about the album artwork for sink or swim?

Wave looks like it is taken from the woodblock print, The Great Wave off Kanagawa - by Hokusai.

Does anybody know about meaning, involvement of the birds?
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: Re: Sink or swim album artwork   Sink or swim album artwork Icon_minitimeMon Feb 23, 2015 9:42 pm

It's a similar style for sure, but I wouldn't say it's really taken from it, more heavily inspired by Hokusai's work.
As for the birds, I always just figured they were seagulls, like you'd have plenty of at most coasts. So yeah, red sky night, seagulls and a tempestuous sea bashing into the dyke, I guess. Fitting fairly straightforwardly into the sailor/coastal imagery throughout the album.

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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Sink or swim album artwork Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sink or swim album artwork   Sink or swim album artwork Icon_minitimeTue Feb 24, 2015 7:55 am

Sink or swim album artwork SoScoverartx

by C. Spliedt (aka Plastic Fly)

4x2 feet, acrylic on wood

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PostSubject: Re: Sink or swim album artwork   Sink or swim album artwork Icon_minitime

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