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A forum dedicated to The Gaslight Anthem - Brian Fallon says: ''For consistent and up to the minute stuff, Dimestore Saints is a great place to check out and hang with some really nice people.''
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 The Gaslight Anthem are happy at last to follow Springsteen

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Join date : 2010-07-26
Location : Jacksonville, Fla

The Gaslight Anthem are happy at last to follow Springsteen Empty
PostSubject: The Gaslight Anthem are happy at last to follow Springsteen   The Gaslight Anthem are happy at last to follow Springsteen Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2015 10:22 am

What happens when you get compared to a music legend every day, for years?

Brian Fallon's New Jersey rock four-piece, the Gaslight Anthem, has long been compared to Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band - despite having a heavier sound, quicker tempo and roots in the local punk scene.

What started off as a blessing became a drain for Fallon, puttting him off doing any press interviews for a year.

But speaking soon after the release of the band's fifth album, Get Hurt, he is at peace with with the comparison.

The Gaslight Anthem are happy at last to follow Springsteen Articl10

"It was awesome at first, then it really bothered me: I thought we've got to get our own thing, it really stressed me out. Then I got cool with it again," Fallon says, admitting "time and maturity" made the difference.


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