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 US/Canada tour 2015

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2015 1:10 pm

Rose1991 wrote:
Well I thought that myself and wondered if that was just their way of enjoying the music, but I just got this vibe from them that they were only there because they liked a few songs and had nothing better to do. But I didn't talk to them, so I might have them totally wrong. Still, the looks on their faces were that of complete indifference. You can tell when somebody's interested in something even if they're not smiling, and they certainly didn't look to me like they were. I came up with some snide comments about how they should go join the mosh pit if they're bored, but I didn't wanna be a dick and knew I very well could be misjudging them, so I kept my remarks to myself and concentrated on enjoying the show. bounce

I've definitely seen people like this before and thought the same things, but I also know that I've gone to shows where sometimes I'm just tired and in a tranquil mood and would rather listen quietly than be rockin' out. I think certain people just enjoy shows that way and their outward appearance doesn't necessarily accurately reflect how they feel.

Rose1991 wrote:
That's lame. I'd rather hang out with the other sidewalk warriors, brave the cold, get dripped on by whatever that weird liquid coming off the awning was, and get accosted by homeless people. It's shitty, but it's also a big part of the experience.

Haha, well I mean, you can do both. When TGA played HOB Boston, I bought food and took it out to the line and waited out there with everyone else in the separate early entry line. But I agree, I don't like the idea of having to essentially pay to  be front of the line, if you got there first. UNLESS, it's like Ram's Head in Baltimore where you pay 10 bucks, get a number (your place in line) and then can run of and do whatever. That is the best, and I will gladly pay 10 bucks to be warm and comfortable and have the freedom to come and go Very Happy .
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2015 1:56 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
But I agree, I don't like the idea of having to essentially pay to  be front of the line, if you got there first.

I think this is a bit tough. On one hand, I feel like whoever is there first should get priority. However, this implicitly weighs time as more valuable than money. Some people have plenty of time to spare but no money--others have plenty of money but no time. I think both have a valid claim. I mean, in non-GA shows, it is generally money and not when you show up that decides your spot.
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2015 3:17 pm

shredderrrrrr wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
But I agree, I don't like the idea of having to essentially pay to  be front of the line, if you got there first.

I think this is a bit tough. On one hand, I feel like whoever is there first should get priority. However, this implicitly weighs time as more valuable than money. Some people have plenty of time to spare but no money--others have plenty of money but no time. I think both have a valid claim. I mean, in non-GA shows, it is generally money and not when you show up that decides your spot.

Well, maybe it's good that there's a variety of situations where those with time can beat out those with money and vice versa. It's the closest you can get to making it an even playing field. All I care about though, at the end of the day, is that whatever venue it is, makes how they do things clear to everyone. I don't like surprises where you think you're first in line but you're actually 50th.
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A Contender
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2015 3:40 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
shredderrrrrr wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
But I agree, I don't like the idea of having to essentially pay to  be front of the line, if you got there first.

I think this is a bit tough. On one hand, I feel like whoever is there first should get priority. However, this implicitly weighs time as more valuable than money. Some people have plenty of time to spare but no money--others have plenty of money but no time. I think both have a valid claim. I mean, in non-GA shows, it is generally money and not when you show up that decides your spot.

Well, maybe it's good that there's a variety of situations where those with time can beat out those with money and vice versa. It's the closest you can get to making it an even playing field. All I care about though, at the end of the day, is that whatever venue it is, makes how they do things clear to everyone. I don't like surprises where you think you're first in line but you're actually 50th.

I didn't see anywhere on the HOB website or any of the emails I got that you could skip the line if you bought dinner, and I generally research everything about a venue before I go.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2015 6:44 pm

I looked around the HOB site just for my own future reference. There's an option to make a reservation to have dinner beforehand, but I don't see anything about it guaranteeing you any kind of place in line. Unless it's hidden somewhere or they only mention this privilege when you get there.

Reading through these posts, "Some people have plenty of time to spare but no money--others have plenty of money but no time", probably sums it all up best. There's no way to guarantee a spot up front. Even with reserved seating, sometimes all tickets are the same price. It's just a matter of luck where you end up sitting. But don't you agree, that keeps things a bit interesting? Wink
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2015 10:58 pm

I was luckily tipped off about the skip the line deal at HOB by someone who has been to HOB shows before, but they also had a large sign out front mentioning it as well. But again this was Boston. Some of the others might not have been even that upfront about it.
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A Contender
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 18, 2015 5:34 am

Seeing them in Vancouver this Thursday! Tearing up listening to The 59' Sound (title track) over and over, I lost my best friend in a car accident on a Saturday night (technically Sunday morning) 8 years ago, that song hits really close to home for me. This band is so fucking special, I am so grateful for their existence and am so so so excited to see them play live again.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 18, 2015 10:52 am

Casey wrote:
Seeing them in Vancouver this Thursday! Tearing up listening to The 59' Sound (title track) over and over, I lost my best friend in a car accident on a Saturday night (technically Sunday morning) 8 years ago, that song hits really close to home for me. This band is so fucking special, I am so grateful for their existence and am so so so excited to see them play live again.

So sorry to hear this - gave me chills reading it Sad
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A Contender
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2015 7:51 am

Casey wrote:
Seeing them in Vancouver this Thursday! Tearing up listening to The 59' Sound (title track) over and over, I lost my best friend in a car accident on a Saturday night (technically Sunday morning) 8 years ago, that song hits really close to home for me. This band is so fucking special, I am so grateful for their existence and am so so so excited to see them play live again.

Man, this song came on the shuffle on my way to work today, and normally I skip it religiously (I consider it bad luck to listen to when I'm alone in the car) but I had to leave it on and it really got to me. Sad

Have a great time at your show tonight, and stay safe out there.
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2015 10:13 am

Casey wrote:
Seeing them in Vancouver this Thursday! Tearing up listening to The 59' Sound (title track) over and over, I lost my best friend in a car accident on a Saturday night (technically Sunday morning) 8 years ago, that song hits really close to home for me. This band is so fucking special, I am so grateful for their existence and am so so so excited to see them play live again.

Strangely I have been listening to 59' Sound a lot lately as well. The B-Side version over and over. Hope you have a great time at the show.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2015 10:53 pm

The fact that they haven't been closing with Diner the past few shows is freaking me out. I think I could die a happy man if I heard that song in St. Louis.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2015 1:32 pm

Rose, you're whole experience was awesome! The setlist was great, except I really want to hear Meet Me By the River's Edge live. I've only seen them twice and they haven't played it yet when I've seen them.

I would really love to meet them, but a 43 year old guy waiting out by the buses may seem a little creepy. So maybe some day.

My friend and I who went ended up paying an extra $25 a piece for VIP seats. It was nice because we could sit (but I didn't sit much after the show started) and had wait service. Didn't miss anything when I wanted a beer. The only issue is the vocals were not that audible from where we were sitting, especially when Brian was talking. Couldn't make out any of it. But the music sounded great.

Now I'm debating going to see them in Columbus on Saturday. Decisions, decisions.
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A Contender
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2015 3:01 pm

JoelS1044 wrote:
Rose, you're whole experience was awesome!  The setlist was great, except I really want to hear Meet Me By the River's Edge live.  I've only seen them twice and they haven't played it yet when I've seen them.  

I would really love to meet them, but a 43 year old guy waiting out by the buses may seem a little creepy.  So maybe some day.

My friend and I who went ended up paying an extra $25 a piece for VIP seats.  It was nice because we could sit (but I didn't sit much after the show started) and had wait service.  Didn't miss anything when I wanted a beer.  The only issue is the vocals were not that audible from where we were sitting, especially when Brian was talking.  Couldn't make out any of it.  But the music sounded great.  

Now I'm debating going to see them in Columbus on Saturday.  Decisions, decisions.      

River's Edge is one of my top bucket list songs too, but I'm sure it'll make it back into the rotation sooner or later.

And about trying to meet them? Do it. Just do it. No one will care if you're 43, especially not the guys themselves. It's worth it.
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A Contender
A Contender

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2015 11:15 pm

JoelS1044 wrote:
Now I'm debating going to see them in Columbus on Saturday.  Decisions, decisions.

Don't think about it, just get a ticket and go Very Happy . It's a Saturday and it will be their last show for a while. Enjoy and report back on Sunday!
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2015 12:48 am

Rose1991 wrote:
JoelS1044 wrote:
Rose, you're whole experience was awesome!  The setlist was great, except I really want to hear Meet Me By the River's Edge live.  I've only seen them twice and they haven't played it yet when I've seen them.  

I would really love to meet them, but a 43 year old guy waiting out by the buses may seem a little creepy.  So maybe some day.

My friend and I who went ended up paying an extra $25 a piece for VIP seats.  It was nice because we could sit (but I didn't sit much after the show started) and had wait service.  Didn't miss anything when I wanted a beer.  The only issue is the vocals were not that audible from where we were sitting, especially when Brian was talking.  Couldn't make out any of it.  But the music sounded great.  

Now I'm debating going to see them in Columbus on Saturday.  Decisions, decisions.      

River's Edge is one of my top bucket list songs too, but I'm sure it'll make it back into the rotation sooner or later.

And about trying to meet them? Do it. Just do it. No one will care if you're 43, especially not the guys themselves. It's worth it.

I have seen people older than 43 wait after shows from time to time. It's really not creepy by default. I've also seen 20-somethings wait for the guys and then do strange things like ask for Brian's coffee cup, drink from it, and then say something along the lines of "it's like we made out" scratch No Creepy is a behavior not an age Smile

I say go for it with Columbus. If it's not a completely insane trip for you to make, why not?

River's Edge has been played on this tour so you never know Wink but that was the first and only time I've heard it and I've been to almost 30 shows (I think?) so don't hold your breath.
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A Contender
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2015 1:39 am

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
I've also seen 20-somethings wait for the guys and then do strange things like ask for Brian's coffee cup, drink from it, and then say something along the lines of "it's like we made out".

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2015 3:29 am

Rose1991 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
I've also seen 20-somethings wait for the guys and then do strange things like ask for Brian's coffee cup, drink from it, and then say something along the lines of "it's like we made out".


She was clearly drunk. I only heard bits of the exchange but that was pretty much what happened, haha.
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A Contender
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2015 3:39 am

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Rose1991 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
I've also seen 20-somethings wait for the guys and then do strange things like ask for Brian's coffee cup, drink from it, and then say something along the lines of "it's like we made out".


She was clearly drunk. I only heard bits of the exchange but that was pretty much what happened, haha.

Ok, for some reason I imagined it being a completely sober, heterosexual man. It's good to know though that no matter how creepy and ridiculous I think I am sometimes, there is ALWAYS somebody worse. Razz
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2015 8:45 am

Great set in Denver:

Have Mercy
The '59 Sound
1,000 Years
The Patient Ferris Wheel
Biloxi Parish
High Lonesome
Red Violins
Astro Zombies
(Misfits cover)
(Danzig cover)
Say I Won't (Recognize)
Here Comes My Man
Stray Paper
Wish You Were Here
(Pink Floyd cover)
Film Noir
Great Expectations
Too Much Blood
Sweet Morphine
Stay Lucky
She Loves You
We're Getting a Divorce, You Keep the Diner
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2015 1:39 pm

I love the 'Mother' cover... Smile

Started with Have Mercy? Love. (Did he tack on Van Morrison at the end again? Did that in Milwaukee (and possibly elsewhere, but I wasn't at those).

Heading to C-bus for the last one. Looking forward to that setlist!
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A Contender
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2015 12:53 am

It was (as usual) an INCREDIBLE show! Those covers mentioned in the set list provided, as well as opening with "Have Mercy" were huge surprises! Their energy was phenomenal, and never let up. Rest assured, any song from "Get Hurt" will fill any venue. Particularly "Red Violins" and "Sweet Morphine." So good. And "Too Much Blood" became this bombastic force!

I finally got to meet Brian. Been my hero for five years, and I'm pretty sure I said some goofy stuff but that surreal moment is one I will remember for the rest of my life.
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A Contender
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2015 12:54 am

US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Imagej14
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A Contender
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2015 3:12 pm

Cool! howd you end up meeting him? come on brian stop smoking man.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2015 7:24 pm

Hey guys, I already posted in ticket exchange but wanted to say here I have 2 extra tix for STL tonight.
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Thunder Peel
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning
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US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US/Canada tour 2015   US/Canada tour 2015 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 28, 2015 12:31 am

Cool pics!

Sadly, I missed the St. Louis show last night. My wife's been sick this week, work has been crazy and there have been a million other things going on. At the end of the day the 90 minute drive both ways and time just didn't pan out. I'm confident I'll get another chance to see them again but kudos to those who have been able to go and support them. It looks like I missed a pretty great show!
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