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 Interview with Brian for Fightland about bullies, fighting and the ideal walkout song

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Interview with Brian for Fightland about bullies, fighting and the ideal walkout song Empty
PostSubject: Interview with Brian for Fightland about bullies, fighting and the ideal walkout song   Interview with Brian for Fightland about bullies, fighting and the ideal walkout song Icon_minitimeWed Nov 12, 2014 3:34 am


What got you into jiu jitsu?
I kept getting beat up at school when I was really little—I was one of those kids. I kept coming home with bloody noses and black eyes. My father was like “That’s it, you’re going here.” And I was like (sheepishly) “OK.”
The thing it helped with the most is not so much that it taught me how to fight as the discipline. It teaches you a work ethic, pushing yourself through it.
It also gives you a little bit of confidence because you know “I can do this if I have to,” but at the same time it doesn’t make you aggressive, which I like a lot. If you know you can break a guy’s arm it doesn’t mean that you should. They spent a lot of time in the school I went to teaching us how to avoid altercations using your words.
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A Contender
A Contender

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Interview with Brian for Fightland about bullies, fighting and the ideal walkout song Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Brian for Fightland about bullies, fighting and the ideal walkout song   Interview with Brian for Fightland about bullies, fighting and the ideal walkout song Icon_minitimeWed Nov 12, 2014 12:31 pm

Thank you for this...very insightful piece
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Interview with Brian for Fightland about bullies, fighting and the ideal walkout song
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