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 Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void)

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Empty
PostSubject: Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void)   Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2014 11:07 am

So last week I attended the Gaslight show where Twopointeight and Against Me! were supporting acts.

I spoke to the singer of Twopointeight (which, if you haven't, is a band you need to familiarize yourself with) at their merch table and he apparently has a sideproject/solo venture, Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be.
I bought his vinyl, Volume, and as I'm listening to it now I keep catching myself thinking how similar the soundscape is to The Horrible Crowes. The gritty atmosphere, the music, the heartfelt and shrieking vocals, basically everything.

There's his website, and the entire album is out on Spotify too. Do yourself a favor and check it out!

Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) 10325254_685750398129537_6439851435322525038_n-large
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A Contender
A Contender

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Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void)   Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2014 2:36 pm

Thanks for the heads up. I like this a lot better than his work with twopointeight. I thought the band was good but that the vocals were "meh" at best. His voice works a lot better in this Tom Waits-lite kind of project.
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A Contender
A Contender

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Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void)   Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2014 4:38 pm

Nice find! I'm listening to 'Volume' now and really liking it. I've heard of Twopointeight but never listened so I'll be checking them out next.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void)   Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2014 5:04 am

Thank you sir!

What a great discovery, very Tom Waits-esque... And what a voice! "Love in reverse" is a killer.

Give yourself a treat and listen to this album!
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void)   Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2014 3:57 pm

I looked up a live video and was really impressed how strong he was as a live vocalist. Cool hollering-type voice.
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Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void)   Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 28, 2014 2:45 pm

REALLY digging this, thanks for the share.
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Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void)   Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void) Icon_minitime

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Fredrik Georg Eriksson & The powers that be (Some music to fill the Horrible Crowes void)
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