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 Brian Fallon On The Dangers of Drugs And Doctors

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Brian Fallon On  The Dangers of Drugs And Doctors Empty
PostSubject: Brian Fallon On The Dangers of Drugs And Doctors   Brian Fallon On  The Dangers of Drugs And Doctors Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2014 9:08 am

Before heading on the road, Fallon spoke to HuffPost Canada Music about the new album, Springsteen's advice, being religious and the dangers of drugs and doctors when dealing with a personal crisis.

Against Me! headlined your first major tour. What do you remember from those days and nights together?

"I just remember being like, 'Wow. They're on a bus' and they have a following that comes to see them every night, like a thousand kids or more every night. A different life. They really, really did it. Playing rock shows every night, having fun and obviously making a living out of it. I remember thinking that is the ticket right there, that is the goal. So I was paying attention to what they were doing and especially a lot of the things that they'd say along the way. They gave a lot of great advice."

Any conversations that you shared stand out to you?

I think that every time that I go out with someone there's moments. Bruce, for instance, he probably bestowed upon us the largest knowledge gulp that you could take in a short period of time. It was a common thread among everybody that was and is bigger than us, they all try to say to take it as it goes and enjoy the moments as they pass because they pass so quickly.

Are you starting to feel a responsibility to be passing on that wisdom yourself now?

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