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 Rutgers Football Gives the Gaslight Anthem Scarlet Fever

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Join date : 2014-02-24
Location : Rochester, NY - New Brunswick, NJ

Rutgers Football Gives the Gaslight Anthem Scarlet Fever Empty
PostSubject: Rutgers Football Gives the Gaslight Anthem Scarlet Fever   Rutgers Football Gives the Gaslight Anthem Scarlet Fever Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2014 10:50 pm

Discovered this interesting article on Rolling Stone written by Benny about his passion for Rutgers Football:


Being a Rutgers Alum, this article was an amazing read. I know the Gaslight has its roots in New Brunswick, but never really heard how Rutgers ties in to that at all, if at all (especially since New Brunswick and Rutgers goes hand in hand) Was really surprised that Benny use to work for The Daily Targum. But most importantly its awesome to hear Benny is a fan and is currently following Rutgers Football as they enter the Big Ten. Cool to hear how it all began for him during the unforgettable and once in a lifetime season of '06


Also The Daily Targum is the school newspaper of Rutgers, to my understanding it is written and run by students, was Benny at any point a Rutgers student?
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