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 Wicked Thirsty help

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Posts : 515
Join date : 2013-01-01
Age : 26
Location : New Hampshire

Wicked Thirsty help Empty
PostSubject: Wicked Thirsty help   Wicked Thirsty help Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2014 4:24 pm

Hey everyone!
I'm sure you've seen in my signature the link to my band's demo page. Now, we're actually hitting the studio. As you may or may not know, it can get pretty pricy, so we've started an Indiegogo (a different version of Kickstarter) and we would LOVE if you could help out.
If you'd take a second and review our project, and donate even a small amount. EVERYTHING HELPS! The more we make the longer we can stay in the studio and the better the project will be.
PLEASE share with your friends too!
We've got some (kinda) cool rewards here as well. Like I said, even if you can only share the link and not financially help it will still be great for us!
(Sorry if there's a rule against this Admins, and sorry to anyone who feels this isn't morally okay...also, we're not trying to pressure you into anything!)

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Posts : 515
Join date : 2013-01-01
Age : 26
Location : New Hampshire

Wicked Thirsty help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wicked Thirsty help   Wicked Thirsty help Icon_minitimeTue Aug 26, 2014 9:21 am

We're getting closer and closer to our goal. I don't know if someone from here has donated as someone remained anonymous, but if you did, thank you so much!
If you haven't yet, we've found a vocalist and we're doing tons of pre-production. It's going to sound great. We'd love you forever if you even considered donating $1 Smile

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