My name is Claire. Emily is my spouse, and that's our record collection as of a little over three years ago or so on the vinyl discography page.
Emily and I are no longer a couple, and we're trying to coexist for our daughter. I'm sure she can expand on that. This used to be an area I agreed to not encroach upon because she wanted her own little corner of the internet to play in, while I had the Vinyl Collective board. But now, we have fallen behind in keeping the collection complete due to funds, and then there's the impending divorce, where the agreement was she got what she has taken (and what I've left behind for her), which includes the black Sink or Swim, white SatQ and a few other choice items including at least A copy of the rest of the albums.
So I'm selling the rest aside from what I really want to keep so that I can pay back the amount I owe her from past due rent and bills once we separated the bank account. My job doesn't get me much every week. So it's time to say bye bye to a lot of this now that the once-complete collection is broken up.
So there will be a post in the appropriate forum as soon as I can get it up there.
Nice to meet you all. Buy my snake oil/records. Sorry.