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 Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print

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Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Empty
PostSubject: Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print   Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Icon_minitimeSun Jun 22, 2014 4:57 pm

Selling some Gaslight stuff due to financial strife. It kills me to let it go, but the bills must be paid. This is what i'm letting go of:

Sink Or Swim - 1st Press On Red/White Splatter /500 - Out of 600 Total.
Sink Or Swim - 2nd Press On Clear Red /500 - Out of 500 Total.
Sink Or Swim - 3rd Press On Green - /1000 - Out of 2,000 Total.
Sink Or Swim - 4th Press On Clear - /500 - Out of 500 total.
Sink Or Swim Demos "Promo" "Cardstock Screen Print" - Hand-numbered # 41/52.
I also have the well sought after Montlcair poster. It has what i would call "real world wear" on it. Tack holes, some scuffs here and there. Not perfect, but FAR from awful. NO TEARS. I'd be willing to let it go for half of what they typically go for because of the imperfections. If any of these items interest you please MESSAGE ME PRIVATELY and we can work something out! I will send photots as requested.Thanks!

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Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print   Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Icon_minitimeThu Jun 26, 2014 6:44 pm

All still available!
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Posts : 347
Join date : 2011-08-18

Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print   Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Icon_minitimeFri Jun 27, 2014 8:46 am

would you post a picture of the poster?
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Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print   Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2014 10:57 am

How much for any of the vinyl?
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Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print   Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2014 1:17 pm

I just put the SOS vinyl on Ebay - first 4 U.S. pressings -

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Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print   Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print Icon_minitime

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Selling Some SOS Vinyl/Montclair Poster/Sink Or Swim Demos Promo Print
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