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 Violent Soho

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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 9:46 pm

These guys are the hot new thing out of Australia at the moment. Not sure how much international attention they're getting, but I think they're pretty awesome. They remind me of the great Australian music that was coming out in the late 90's/early thousands like Jebediah, Grinspoon, Magic Dirt and a bunch of other bands I doubt anyone outside of Oz has heard of. So check this out

and then check this out, because it's amazing, old Jebediah song that is heartbreakingly awesome

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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2014 5:22 am

Here they're not very big, but this is one of the best band I've discovered last year. I first listened to the song Som of Sam and fell in love with that song.

And two other songs from them that I love:

I still doesn't have Hungry Ghost other than im mp3 but it was really too expensive from Australia when it was released.
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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2014 6:46 am

HolyBreakOfDay wrote:

I still doesn't have Hungry Ghost other than im mp3 but it was really too expensive from Australia when it was released.

I can probably hook you up. I'll PM you when I can get a cost. If you like Violent Soho might I suggest:

Jebediah - Leaving Home
Grinspoon - More Than You Are
You Am I - Damage
Magic Dirt - Watch Out Boys
Frente! - Bizarre Love Triangle
Ammonia - Drugs
The Whitlams - No Aphrodisiac
The Superjesus - Down Again
Ben Lee - Cigarettes Will Kill You
Custard - Music Is Crap
Silverchair - Ana's Song (Open Fire)
The Living End - All Torn Down
Diana Ah Naid - Perfect Family
Machine Gun Fellatio (they're way better than the name would make you think, sorry) - Unsent Letter
Motor Ace - American Shoes
Tex Perkins - I Know You Know I Know
Something for Kate - Monsters
Bodyjar - One in a Million

Sorry, that was way more exhaustive than I intended. Not sure how big any of these guys got outside Australia, but they're the sound Violent Soho are kinda channeling. Well some of them anyway, the others I just like.
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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2014 7:04 pm

Thanks for the list! I was gonna ask if you knew bands who sound like them!

I only know Grinspoon, Silverchair and The Living End. I'll listen to the other songs.
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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2014 7:20 pm

mwh wrote:
HolyBreakOfDay wrote:

I still doesn't have Hungry Ghost other than im mp3 but it was really too expensive from Australia when it was released.

I can probably hook you up. I'll PM you when I can get a cost. If you like Violent Soho might I suggest:

Jebediah - Leaving Home
Grinspoon - More Than You Are
You Am I - Damage
Magic Dirt - Watch Out Boys
Frente! - Bizarre Love Triangle
Ammonia - Drugs
The Whitlams - No Aphrodisiac
The Superjesus - Down Again
Ben Lee - Cigarettes Will Kill You
Custard - Music Is Crap
Silverchair - Ana's Song (Open Fire)
The Living End - All Torn Down
Diana Ah Naid - Perfect Family
Machine Gun Fellatio (they're way better than the name would make you think, sorry) - Unsent Letter
Motor Ace - American Shoes
Tex Perkins - I Know You Know I Know
Something for Kate - Monsters
Bodyjar - One in a Million

Sorry, that was way more exhaustive than I intended. Not sure how big any of these guys got outside Australia, but they're the sound Violent Soho are kinda channeling. Well some of them anyway, the others I just like.

wow massive list, sir - thanks for that!
I'm always looking for good modern aussie bands but its hard to find them through the internet.

I love Adalita's solo stuff but never listened to Magic Dirt for some reason so gotta do this now, ha Very Happy

..oh and Violent Soho sound great, gonna give "Hungry Ghost" some spins right now
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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeSun May 18, 2014 5:04 am

Oh this is hardly modern sorry man, this is all 90s- early 2000's kinda stuff. If you can ever find them (they weren't even that big here) there was a brilliant band called Cartman that did some awesome tracks around 99-2001. Look for "Sugarcane" and "The One You're Without"
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeSun May 18, 2014 5:22 am

Jesus Stole My Girlfriend made a decent splash on altrock radio here in the US a few years back
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A Contender
A Contender

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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeSun May 18, 2014 5:41 am

Glad to hear they're making a bit of a splash overseas. They've got a really distinctive Australian sound to them, as opposed to the stuff that gets marketed as "Aussie" over here (think Garth Brooks Country America VS. Bruce Springsteen real America).
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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeTue Jun 24, 2014 5:04 pm

just signed by SideOneDummy!!! (gaslight where signed to them during 59S and AS)
This label had a lack of good new artist the last few years, but with Violent Soho, Restorations and PUP they're back in the game for me Smile
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2014 2:33 am

Wow, this is fantastic. Ordering all their work asap.

I love 80-90s Seattle sound and this band feels cut from similar cloth.
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PostSubject: Re: Violent Soho   Violent Soho Icon_minitime

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