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 My review of b sides on my new website

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Rock bus
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My review of b sides on my new website Empty
PostSubject: My review of b sides on my new website   My review of b sides on my new website Icon_minitimeTue Jan 21, 2014 6:50 pm

As posted on the discussion page, having written for a couple of online music sites and magazines, I have taken the big step of setting my own up.
One of the first things on there is a review of b sides:

On the historical reviews you will also see stuff like restorations, the road home etc etc

As many of you will know, getting something like this off the ground is hard, so looking for some help. This is especially true when it comes to getting pr companies and record labels to deal with you. It is a bit of a catch 22, as they are unwilling to send you stuff if they doubt your coverage, but you need decent stuff to promote the site!!

Therefore, if as many of you as possible could like and follow the website and the Facebook page it would really be appreciated.


Hope you like the site (and if you don't then please just still 'like' it and then just opt out of the notifications!!!!)
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My review of b sides on my new website
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