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 POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?

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Would you like to hear the Gaslight Anthem play/cover songs live which Brian recorded solo or with other artists?
POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Vote_lcap58%POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Vote_rcap
 58% [ 15 ]
POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Vote_lcap38%POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Vote_rcap
 38% [ 10 ]
I don't want to hear any covers at all
POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Vote_lcap4%POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Vote_rcap
 4% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 26

steady now steady now
The Navesink Banks
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 11:32 am

Brian has recorded quite a few songs by himself or with other artists since the Gaslight Anthem started.  Would you like to hear those songs played/cover at Gaslight Anthem gigs or would that take away from the band's own work?

I once asked Brian why the Gaslight Anthem didn't play/cover a few Horrible Crowes songs, but he said that that was another band (though that's a band that doesn't even tour).  As the Gaslight Anthem do cover other band's songs, what's different about songs Brian recorded with the Horrible Crowes, or with Chuck Ragan, etc?

Last edited by steady now steady now on Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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First Among Equals
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 11:07 pm

Personally, I think it's a crime and a tragedy that the crowes songs don't get played. I hope that if their next record sounds more like a crowes record, they might consider "covering" those songs. I mean, I'd love it if he played any songs he writes. If they're not gaslight sounding then maybe keep them to a minimum like any other covers but if they fit into the band, and the band is okay with playing them, then why not?

Brian makes too many rules for himself sometimes I think Smile
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The Navesink Banks
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 1:21 am

I voted no. I tried to picture the guys playing "No Weather" and it didn't fit in my mind. Even though it's Brian's words and voice, it wasn't anything to do with the other guys. The cover songs seem more like a group choice whereas they didn't have anything to do with the Crowes as a group for example. To apply this concept to another band,I can't see Hot Water Music playing "Let it Rain" or "Nomad By Fate" either.
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First Among Equals
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 2:04 am

NeverTrustAJunkie wrote:
I voted no. I tried to picture the guys playing "No Weather" and it didn't fit in my mind. Even though it's Brian's words and voice, it wasn't anything to do with the other guys. The cover songs seem more like a group choice whereas they didn't have anything to do with the Crowes as a group for example. To apply this concept to another band,I can't see Hot Water Music playing "Let it Rain" or "Nomad By Fate" either.
Based on some points you made, I wanna clarify my perspective. I would think it weird if they played a song that doesn't have parts for their instruments. Even a Gaslight song like Misery, doesn't really have drums, so it'd be weird to write a drum part to play it as a band. But if the other guys left the stage and Brian did it solo, that could be cool and not unheard of, they did that for a cover at the Webster Hall show last year. And just in general I think they could do songs that integrate well but maybe not others. So like Yes to Behold the Hurricane, but No to No Weather unless Brian does it solo (but still during a show).

I just don't think these songs will ever get played again if the fans/band etc aren't open to some integration.
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I'da called you Woody
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 2:07 am

Complete yes. Even to songs like No Weather. Remember, Navesink Banks is pretty much a Brian Fallon solo song but they rework it live and get everyone else involved. They could do the same here.

I'd love to hear just about any of the Horrible Crowes songs in the setlist too. Unfortunately they don't even do a great job of rotating American Slang songs so I can't see them ever adding even more to their arsenal than they need to.

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The Navesink Banks
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 2:10 am


Unless its This Charming Man, but that will def never happen.
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The Navesink Banks
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 2:59 am

I thought the demo of Navesink Banks was with the full band?
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The Navesink Banks
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 3:51 am

Nah, I wouldn't like that.

THC songs need to maintain their exclusiveness and I think the acoustic songs sound best when they're acoustic.
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A Contender
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 10:56 am

I love the pretty much even split.  I was almost sorry to vote because it was at 50/50.

I voted yes, but it's not really that simple.  There are a few songs I wouldn't mind them doing.  I get why they wouldn't, which is why I was considering a "no" vote.  Sure, 3 out of 4 of them were This Charming Man, but you don't see The Hold Steady going around playing Lifter Puller songs, you know?

THAT BEING SAID, my personal preference: it'd be cool to throw in every once in a while.  They never will though, because then dickheads will just shout out "Behold the Hurricane!" every three songs (unless they're playing in New England, where dickheads will be shouting "Behald tha Horricahn!") and be a royal piss-off to other people and the band and then they'll never do it again (I would love to see the Tumblr post if Brian were pissed off about people shouting at him to play songs that he wrote: "Listen, we are The Gaslight Anthem...we're not The Horrible Crowes....I mean, you know, me and Ian are, but when the headline says The Gaslight Anthem that means...oh fuck it, at least you're not Brucin' me. I can't fucking win.")

THAT ALSO BEING SAID, I echo some of the sentiments above.  An acoustic version of No Weather or Goodnight Irene or something would be excellent--they've done similar things before--but I've seen videos where Brian doesn't even turn it down, he's just like "I don't know how to play that anymore" which seemed to be effective.  I wouldn't necessarily want to see a Ladykiller or Black Betty and the Moon or Cherry Blossoms, but a more "Gaslight song" like Behold the Hurricane would be a really cool thing that I'd love to see.  

So my "yes" vote has reservations and some strict guidelines.  Barely a yes, but more than a no.
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The Navesink Banks
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 11:19 am

It's a tricky thing like said above. On one hand, they are his songs, on the other hand, They're not Gaslight songs in a sense.
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First Among Equals
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 12:23 pm

jzancan wrote:

THAT BEING SAID, my personal preference: it'd be cool to throw in every once in a while.  They never will though, because then dickheads will just shout out "Behold the Hurricane!" every three songs (unless they're playing in New England, where dickheads will be shouting "Behald tha Horricahn!") and be a royal piss-off to other people and the band and then they'll never do it again (I would love to see the Tumblr post if Brian were pissed off about people shouting at him to play songs that he wrote: "Listen, we are The Gaslight Anthem...we're not The Horrible Crowes....I mean, you know, me and Ian are, but when the headline says The Gaslight Anthem that means...oh fuck it, at least you're not Brucin' me. I can't fucking win.")
haha I love you mock tumblr post there. But hey, where on earth did you get that people from New England would pronounce Behold the Hurricane that strangely? haha. Maybe they do in Maine or something but in CT we talk like normal human beings (and by that I mean New Yorkers).
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The '59 Sound
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 1:50 pm

I voted with no, but it was very hard

because one the hand, it would be amazing to hear songs from The Horrible Crowes live, but on the other hand, it's The Gaslight Anthem and not the Horrible Crowes.
But when they would play one cover song or one of The Horrible Crowes, than I don't mind

Like I already said, my decision was very very hard...
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 6:11 pm

I'd love to see them play a few This Charming Man tracks least Sometimes You Eat... and Sweet Delta Blues. Them playing Every Little Secret in full in the middle of a set would be awesome too.
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PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 6:18 pm

CapedAvenger wrote:
I'd love to see them play a few This Charming Man tracks least Sometimes You Eat... and Sweet Delta Blues. Them playing Every Little Secret in full in the middle of a set would be awesome too.
High Five 

i'm going out on a limb and say this is the best stuff brian ever made - so i would definitly love to hear this songs live!
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 10:22 pm

It might not be too far-fetched . while standing in line at one of the pier shows, They DID play a THC song during the sound check. Was anybody else there?
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First Among Equals
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 10:40 pm

jonester wrote:
It might not be too far-fetched . while standing in line at one of the pier shows, They DID play a THC song during the sound check. Was anybody else there?
What, really? Must've been night 2 because I don't recall that from night 1. Do you remember what they played?
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A Contender
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 11:01 pm

I would want to say BTH , but not sure. was as we were walking up and got distracted by some friends. I'm sure someone else was there and heard it. I'm pretty sure it was night 2 because they did baba, too. and I really like the way they do it and had requested it on their FB page, so I was a little amped. Not saying they did it because I requested it, but WTF ,I can hope. Someone else must know exactly what song it was, how bout one of you lurkers out there?Very Happy 
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 11:03 pm

Shelby , where'd you end up night 1?
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First Among Equals
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 1:31 am

jonester wrote:
Shelby , where'd you end up night 1?
I was on the barricade kinda in front of Ian, right in front of the really tall security guard (Craig) who was catching crowd surfers and flipping them over his shoulder like crazy. How bout you?
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Red In The Morning
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 3:43 am

I don't see why they can't do something like Lucero's been doing occasionally. When the "encore" time comes, the band goes backstage and Ben stays out and plays some of his solo stuff and songs that really work well acoustically. Then the full band comes back out for the encore.

Ian, Alex, and Brian were all involved with the Crowes project (I'm unsure if Alex had anything to do with the writing, but he went to the shows to play). I don't think it would be TOO crazy to think they could work it into the set list, but then again with some of the people that have been coming to Gaslight shows lately, it might just get annoying (at the last show I went to most people got really confused when they played She Loves You). The Lucero way would work for this too, all the people who don't know the "weird" songs can go get a drink at the bar or go on a smoke break and let the hardcore fans soak it up.
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A Contender
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 10:44 am

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
jzancan wrote:

THAT BEING SAID, my personal preference: it'd be cool to throw in every once in a while.  They never will though, because then dickheads will just shout out "Behold the Hurricane!" every three songs (unless they're playing in New England, where dickheads will be shouting "Behald tha Horricahn!") and be a royal piss-off to other people and the band and then they'll never do it again (I would love to see the Tumblr post if Brian were pissed off about people shouting at him to play songs that he wrote: "Listen, we are The Gaslight Anthem...we're not The Horrible Crowes....I mean, you know, me and Ian are, but when the headline says The Gaslight Anthem that means...oh fuck it, at least you're not Brucin' me. I can't fucking win.")
haha I love you mock tumblr post there. But hey, where on earth did you get that people from New England would pronounce Behold the Hurricane that strangely? haha. Maybe they do in Maine or something but in CT we talk like normal human beings (and by that I mean New Yorkers).
Haha, I have family in Maine (or, America's Glasgow), so I was doing a cross between my cousin, a buddy of mine from Staten Island (when he's drunk), and Jimmy Fallon on SNL ("Nomahh!!!"). Unfortunately, I always combine those three when I think of NE accents. Couldn't choose which city to pin it on so I just went regional.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 10:52 am

I can't see this ever happening, Brian seems to like to keep some things separate but its a dream at least.
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A Contender
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 9:54 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
jonester wrote:
Shelby , where'd you end up night 1?
I was on the barricade kinda in front of Ian, right in front of the really tall security guard (Craig) who was catching crowd surfers and flipping them over his shoulder like crazy. How bout you?
     I was at the barricade in front of Alex R.   I asked my friend if she remembered what THC song it was and she thought it could be Black  Betty but wasn't sure.
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Thunder Peel
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2013 1:07 am

I think of like each band being their own separate entity and I can understand Brian wanting to keep TGA apart from other side projects. If he were doing solo shows or something like that then it would make sense to have a little of everything thrown in.
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First Among Equals
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POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA?   POLL: Would you like to hear TGA play/cover songs Brian recorded without TGA? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2013 1:42 am

jonester wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
jonester wrote:
Shelby , where'd you end up night 1?
I was on the barricade kinda in front of Ian, right in front of the really tall security guard (Craig) who was catching crowd surfers and flipping them over his shoulder like crazy. How bout you?
I was at the barricade in front of Alex R. I asked my friend if she remembered what THC song it was and she thought it could be Black Betty but wasn't sure.
Were you one of the first 10 or so people in line? I was like maybe 10 people back and I remember being surprised that all the people ahead of me went right to the spot in front of Alex R, rather than the middle! haha.

Thunder Peel wrote:
... If he were doing solo shows or something like that then it would make sense to have a little of everything thrown in.
I wish he had done that a few days ago, when he played solo. I was really hoping for something surprising (not that it wasn't incredible) that he doesn't really get to/choose to play with the band.
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