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 THC 'Live at the Troubadour' reviews

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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THC 'Live at the Troubadour' reviews Empty
PostSubject: THC 'Live at the Troubadour' reviews   THC 'Live at the Troubadour' reviews Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 10:08 am

Here is a great review of 'Live at the Troubadour', not least as regards the quality of the recording:



"The key to a great live album is always capturing the energy and atmosphere of a regular night with an artist. For the Horrible Crowes, this was only their second show promoting their debut Elsie and from the start, the difference between this and a Gaslight show is obvious. The Troubadour is famous for hosting some great live moments, and from hearing the vibrant atmosphere over the Crowes’ music, you can see why. Unlike a loud concert venue, you can hear every last detail from the crowd. From clanging glasses and dirty dishes, to the gentle murmurs of the patrons’ casual conversations, it all adds to the notion of a dimly lit room with a soft cloud of cigarette smoke encompassing the band and their eager fans. [...] When you hear a song like “Ladykiller” and hear every note plucked on a guitar, every snare hit, you appreciate not only great live recordings, but the effectiveness of a small live audience."
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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THC 'Live at the Troubadour' reviews Empty
PostSubject: Re: THC 'Live at the Troubadour' reviews   THC 'Live at the Troubadour' reviews Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2014 7:33 am

As soon as i got some money i got the live vinyl and DVD, it's so perfect!
Brian was a bit nervous starting off which was quite noticeable, but fair play to him it's only natural.
I was a bit disappointed they cut pretty much all of the between song banter out but that was made up for by the interviews and special features!

The performance itself was breathtaking, Brian poured his soul into every word!
Ian, Alex, cousin and Steve were all great, although cousin hit a few wrong notes on "Crush" i think...

The best performance of the evening was Blood loss, that last chorus made me tear up and it finally hit me what the song was about!!

The sound quality was pretty damn good i thought, the live mix was spot on, everything had its place in the mix even the keys which can get drowned out quite easily.
Over all it's an amazing show, and i'm so happy i have it!
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THC 'Live at the Troubadour' reviews
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