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 Interview with Brian about the Red Bull Sound Select series

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Interview with Brian about the Red Bull Sound Select series Empty
PostSubject: Interview with Brian about the Red Bull Sound Select series   Interview with Brian about the Red Bull Sound Select series Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 8:09 am

How do you choose the bands?

They send me a bunch of bands they’re working with, anywhere between five and 20 bands, and I just sit there and listen to them for a little while. I go through their songs and just kind of look for…something. You know, something that sticks out to me. And sometimes there’s nothing and I have to tell them that I don’t like any of these bands. But then sometimes I like all of them, and I have to choose one, which is tough. Most of the time if I really like two bands I’ll look into them and see who’s kind of working the hardest. Who’s out there just touring, and who’s sort of less gimmicky. Who’s the one who are just looking to me like a band who are just out there doing it. But you can’t really judge what people are doing either, though, so it’s tough. Like, there’s this band – they’re not associated with Red Bull at all — but this band, Foxy Shazam, where if you looked at them you’d be like ‘wow, that’s like a Thing, man, like what are they doing?’ But then if you actually see them play you’re like ‘oh my gosh, this is not a Thing, this is amazing.’ And so it’s hard to judge a band by its cover, I guess.

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Interview with Brian about the Red Bull Sound Select series Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Brian about the Red Bull Sound Select series   Interview with Brian about the Red Bull Sound Select series Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 2:09 pm

thanks for the article, it's a very interesting reading
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Interview with Brian about the Red Bull Sound Select series
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