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 The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013

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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 9:22 pm

Why are Teenage Dream and Never Tear Us Apart not on the DVD? Kind of a disappointment, to be honest...still nice to have.
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 9:58 pm

Here's the inxs video in case you haven't seen it.

I really don't get why they didn't just pay the 10-15 cent royalty per song for each DVD.  I would have gladly paid an extra dollar to watch it, and I'm sure most fans would too

Oh well...
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A Contender
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 1:57 pm

thomas94 wrote:
Apparently my order started to ship today. It seems nearly everyone already got theirs, so that delay seems weird to me. Question 

I'm kinda disappointed; because I don't wanna wait any longer to watch the DVD.
didn't got mine too. i couldn't resist, saw it in my record store and bought it again (orange). now i' m still waiting for the bundle, but it was so hard to see everybody talking about the dvd...Shocked 

i've seen it now once and i think it's great, i dont understand why that 2 songs are missing but okay, we have it on vinyl ! it's fantastic to have it physical on dvd, not only videos on youtube !
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The '59 Sound
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 5:32 pm

I just watched the DVD, wow it's really amazing. It's a shame that the cover songs and the banter aren't on it, but it's still awesome. I really like the interviews especially the part of Ian where he talks about Bruce Springsteen ^^
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I'da called you Woody
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2013 3:56 am

Got mine at last! Fantastic dvd! That show looked legendary, whoever attended that is a lucky person. Cant quite work out the vinyl though, supposed to bethe european orange but its black!? Anyone else get this if you ordered from banquet?
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2013 4:49 am

bringiton_ty wrote:
Cant quite work out the vinyl though, supposed to bethe european orange but its black!? Anyone else get this if you ordered from banquet?
see https://thegaslightanthem.forumotion.com/t5315-thc-live-at-the-troubadour-euro-black
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I'da called you Woody
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2013 6:30 am

steady now steady now wrote:
bringiton_ty wrote:
Cant quite work out the vinyl though, supposed to bethe european orange but its black!? Anyone else get this if you ordered from banquet?
see https://thegaslightanthem.forumotion.com/t5315-thc-live-at-the-troubadour-euro-black
Thanx! Just seen it!
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2013 3:24 pm

finally got mine too Smile
happy about it not getting stuck at customs!
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2013 6:52 pm

S1D sells only the mug now in their webstore!

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I'da called you Woody
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2013 3:59 am

Amazing! I was hoping they would sell that seperate!
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The Navesink Banks
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2013 8:16 am

Listening to Live at the Troubador makes me 100% on Brian's side for his post on Tumblr. It must be the most annoying thing in the world to be compared all the time to some other dude who lives near you and whose music you think is good
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2013 4:15 pm

DeathoftheCool wrote:
Listening to Live at the Troubador makes me 100% on Brian's side for his post on Tumblr. It must be the most annoying thing in the world to be compared all the time to some other dude who lives near you and whose music you think is good
you're absolutely right, I think people have to imagine themselves in his position...
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First Among Equals
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2013 6:33 pm

Anya_TGA wrote:
DeathoftheCool wrote:
Listening to Live at the Troubador makes me 100% on Brian's side for his post on Tumblr. It must be the most annoying thing in the world to be compared all the time to some other dude who lives near you and whose music you think is good
you're absolutely right, I think people have to imagine themselves in his position...
I agree, but I'm wondering what about that show made you think of it?
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The Navesink Banks
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2013 10:51 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Anya_TGA wrote:
DeathoftheCool wrote:
Listening to Live at the Troubador makes me 100% on Brian's side for his post on Tumblr. It must be the most annoying thing in the world to be compared all the time to some other dude who lives near you and whose music you think is good
you're absolutely right, I think people have to imagine themselves in his position...
I agree, but I'm wondering what about that show made you think of it?
There's a point where he's like, "Yeah that was cool, but I wanna talk about this suit," after I Witnessed A Crime, I'm assuming someone yelled BRUCE or something, and he handles it pretty well, changing the subject, but imagine how annoying that must be at every show you play
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 06, 2013 12:35 pm

DeathoftheCool wrote:
Listening to Live at the Troubador makes me 100% on Brian's side for his post on Tumblr. It must be the most annoying thing in the world to be compared all the time to some other dude who lives near you and whose music you think is good
Pitchfork: Yeah, I didn't bring up Springsteen, but that's what everyone talks to you about. I don't know; Boys and Girls doesn't really sound to me like a Springsteen record.

Craig Finn (Hold Steady): I don't think so either, [but] I don't think people are totally off base. We kind of do this bar-rock thing, and the E Street Band is one of the best bar-rock bands ever. And the piano-- obviously those first three E Street Band records kind of defined how to tastefully do rock'n'roll piano. But I hear easily as much Replacements in our music as I do Springsteen. And it's certainly a way bigger influence on me than Springsteen, although I certainly do like Springsteen a lot. Separation Sunday has those epic song structures that I think Springsteen dealt with a lot.


“My whole upbringing, you just get kicked and kicked and kicked by life. You’re not good enough. You’re not going to make the schools. You’re not going to have a good job. That’s what our lives would have been if we didn’t do this. And then for one time, for that one moment, I felt that we took it back. We were like, ‘No, we can have something of our own – and so can you. Bruce is giving it to me – maybe I can give it to you.’ That moment, that singular five seconds, I’ll never forget for my entire life. The E Street Band could have not been there; everyone could have not been there. That line he wrote was, to me, bigger than anything that was going on that day.”

“The actual sound of his band doesn’t mean as much to us as the sentiment does. His words and message, that’s what we latch on to. You’ll never have a saxophone breakdown in a Gaslight Anthem song, but the sentiment is the same. That feeling of ‘I’ve got to get out of here, and I’ve got nothing but my own wits about me and the dream that I have, and I’ve got to follow that.’ That’s what we learned from Bruce.


It's a double edge sword, I feel like Brian played up the Bruce thing early on because it went over well with critics/fans alike and helped increase their popularity.  But at the same time, I wish he never made the connection personal/emotional, just answer like Craig Finn did (way before TGA had the comparison) and move on.
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 06, 2013 2:56 pm

deadspin wrote:
Here's the inxs video in case you haven't seen it.

I really don't get why they didn't just pay the 10-15 cent royalty per song for each DVD.  I would have gladly paid an extra dollar to watch it, and I'm sure most fans would too

Oh well...
wow, great thanks for the video
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 08, 2013 5:06 pm

Finally got around to watching the DVD. I'm about 5 tracks in and it's brilliant. Would've loved to have been there. Brian looks to be having the time of his life, too.
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The Navesink Banks
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 08, 2013 7:20 pm

sideone dummy don't have senor and the queen on their website? that's totally bogus, i wanted to buy a bunch of stuff with the dvd so it'd work out cheaper.
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The Navesink Banks
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 08, 2013 8:32 pm

Labhras wrote:
sideone dummy don't have senor and the queen on their website? that's totally bogus, i wanted to buy a bunch of stuff with the dvd so it'd work out cheaper.
Well that record wasn't put out by SideOne
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A Contender
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 09, 2013 4:45 am

That Katy Perry cover brings 2 things to my mind :
-I really don't like cover songs
-Whatever Brian sings, it feels like he does turn it into one of his songs, which is a good point to me.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 09, 2013 9:48 am

Labhras wrote:
sideone dummy don't have senor and the queen on their website? that's totally bogus, i wanted to buy a bunch of stuff with the dvd so it'd work out cheaper.
Try Sabot if you still want it
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 09, 2013 9:49 am

I received my t shirt and vinyl bundle today. I'm one of those who like things in mint condition and all four corners of my vinyl were a little bashed or bent to different extents. The blue/ black looks good though!
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 09, 2013 10:01 am

I'd like to order the vinyl version, but shipping to overseas kills it for me. I'll find a way to get it anyway.
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 09, 2013 3:52 pm

The_River wrote:
That Katy Perry cover brings 2 things to my mind :
-I really don't like cover songs
-Whatever Brian sings, it feels like he does turn it into one of his songs, which is a good point to me.
I've never heard Perry's version of the track, but i really quite enjoyed hearing the cover of it in the car this morning. Sounds like a decent song.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 09, 2013 8:05 pm

simo wrote:
Labhras wrote:
sideone dummy don't have senor and the queen on their website? that's totally bogus, i wanted to buy a bunch of stuff with the dvd so it'd work out cheaper.
Well that record wasn't put out by SideOne
who did put it out?

sink or swim isn't on there either
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The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013   The Horrible Crowes: 'Live at the Troubadour' released as LP/DVD and CD/DVD, Sep. 2013 - Page 9 Icon_minitime

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