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 Benny Interviewed by 45 magazine

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Benny Interviewed  by 45 magazine  Empty
PostSubject: Benny Interviewed by 45 magazine    Benny Interviewed  by 45 magazine  Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 4:14 pm

We caught up with Benny Horowitz from The Gaslight Anthem during their current UK tour.

Q.Hi Benny how are you? How has the tour been going so far?
A. Yeah man i’m doing well, all the shows have been good.

Q. We saw you on the tour last year and I must say it was an amazing show, is it a case of more of the same on this one or are you planning anything new?
A. Yeah we just want to play well and play songs that people want to hear and hopefully us and the crowd have fun and interact.

Q. You played two sold out nights at the Manchester Apollo at the end of last year, this time round it’s two at the Academy what’s the thinking behind playing the smaller venues?
A. I think it’s just a case of mixing it up but there is also a lot that goes on behind the scenes that we don’t know about.

Q. You regularly sell out venues over here do you have ambitions to come back and make the step up and play arenas yourself soon?

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