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 Blue collar boys Gaslight Anthem have the blessing of the Boss

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Join date : 2010-07-26
Location : Jacksonville, Fla

Blue collar boys Gaslight Anthem have the blessing of the Boss Empty
PostSubject: Blue collar boys Gaslight Anthem have the blessing of the Boss   Blue collar boys Gaslight Anthem have the blessing of the Boss Icon_minitimeFri Mar 29, 2013 10:46 am

Comparisons with the great Bruce Springsteen have proved both a blessing and a curse for some bands but for Gaslight Anthem, the fact this high praise has come from the Boss himself has proved a welcome bonus.

Springsteen’s son enthused about Gaslight Anthem, his father agreed and his endorsement has helped bring Brian Fallon’s rock-punk outfit international acclaim.

Like Springsteen, Gaslight hail from New Jersey and both dig deep for awe-inspiring anthems drawing deeply on their own personal experiences. Blue collar rock at its finest.

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Blue collar boys Gaslight Anthem have the blessing of the Boss
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