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 Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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PostSubject: Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship   Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship Icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2013 10:16 am

The Gaslight Anthem are far from the new band on the block – their 2008 record The ’59 Sound was one of the most heavily praised rock records in recent memory. But it was their fourth album, last year’s Handwritten, that saw the Jersey boys reach further abroad than ever before.

Being their major label debut, The Gaslight Anthem used Handwritten as both an introduction to new listeners and a platform for existing fans to witness their evolution. The success of Handwritten has seemingly placed the world at the quartet’s feet, with the biggest challenge being to choose where next they’ll conquer.

Soon enough the American rock outfit will return to Australia for a national tour to help expand their ever-increasing fan base. Picking up the phone ahead of the tour was The Gaslight Anthem’s lead guitarist Alex Rosamilia and we talked fandom, solos and short films.

Music Feeds: The Gaslight Anthem has been touring behind Handwritten for some time now. Has the success of the record helped the band become more comfortable playing before larger crowds?

Alex Rosamilia: No, playing in front of a crowd is old hat at this point, not to sound pretentious. Playing live is kind of what we based our whole ethos as a band on. We started the band to be a touring band … the crowds have gotten bigger and you definitely have to play a different show but the idea is [the same].

And that’s not saying I don’t get nervous – I get nervous as shit… (laughs) But we’re used to playing in front of people at this point. For someone who used to be deathly afraid of performing in front of people, I’ve never gotten more comfortable [but] I guess it’s become second nature. That’s not saying I don’t get nervous but I’ve learnt how to hone my chi, as it were (laughs).

MF: In a previous interview you’ve said you find it insulting when musicians are put on a pedestal. With Handwritten bringing The Gaslight Anthem increased stardom, how do you combat that?

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PostSubject: Re: Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship   Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship Icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2013 11:27 am

alex r is such a nice and down-to-earth guy, even i think he's too self-critical with his solos - they are great!! haha Very Happy

thank you for the article Wink
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship   Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 1:51 am

best interview in a while, thanks bobby
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship   Alex R. Interview: The Gaslight Anthem – Exemplary Penmanship Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 2:58 am

I like when Alex R. does interviews. It's always nice to hear from him.
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