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 For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands)

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2 posters
A Contender
A Contender

Posts : 215
Join date : 2011-02-10

For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Empty
PostSubject: For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands)   For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2013 6:53 pm

Looking to raise some money for a tablet. Have a lot of papers to read for my dissertation coming up. Send offers. Some stuff off limits but not a ton. I know what my stuff is worth so don't bother lowballing, but if someone buys a few records I can cut a better deal.

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A Contender
A Contender

Posts : 215
Join date : 2011-02-10

For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands)   For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2013 7:55 pm

Handwritten extras 7" has been taken.

Old White Lincoln anyone?
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Dimestore Romeo
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

Posts : 14
Join date : 2013-01-06

For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands)   For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2013 12:12 am

What exactly are you looking for for some this stuff?
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A Contender
A Contender

Posts : 215
Join date : 2011-02-10

For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands)   For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2013 11:39 am

Those euro 7"s are expensive to get over here. With exchange rate and shipping I wanna say they are $15-$20 even without a collector markup.

Gaslight Anthem - 59 Sound (Gold) - $30
Gaslight Anthem - Great Expectations (Black) - $40
Gaslight Anthem - Handwritten Euro extras (blue) - GONE
Gaslight Anthem - Old White Lincoln (White) - $40

The ones I didn't list are because I really only want to sell the valuable ones. If I can only get $5 for tumbling dice, for example, I'd rather keep it. Worth more to me.

If someone wanted to give me $50 for my 59 Sound blue, I'd just buy a later press.

This Charming Man - Brown (sealed) - $20

Any other bands, let me know what you want.
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For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands)   For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands) Icon_minitime

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For Sale: Rarer 7"s (and a bunch of stuff from other bands)
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