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 Torpedo Holiday - Self Titled 7" (CAH10)(Preorder is up!)

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A Contender
A Contender

Posts : 273
Join date : 2008-12-23

Torpedo Holiday - Self Titled 7" (CAH10)(Preorder is up!) Empty
PostSubject: Torpedo Holiday - Self Titled 7" (CAH10)(Preorder is up!)   Torpedo Holiday - Self Titled 7" (CAH10)(Preorder is up!) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2012 5:15 pm

Our little vinyl label is putting something out again ...
Preorders for the Torpedo Holiday 7" are up by now! Act fast or be sorry later, this beauty is limited to 66 (!)

Torpedo Holiday - Self Titled 7" (CAH10)(Preorder is up!) 560712_537582392922044_1969131246_n

4 songs of punk, indie and post-hardcore with german lyrics. Will be released mid-december on coffeebreath and heartache!
check out "haut euch selber": http://soundcloud.com/torpedoholiday/torpedo-holiday-haut-euch

pressing Info:
limited to 66 copies on red/white swirled vinyl
screened & cutted & handnumbered cover
screened & tailored sleeve
screened inlay
bundle with a pillow case available
incl. mp3 downloadcard

you can preorder it here: http://www.coffeebreathandheartache.com/shop/

Torpedo Holiday - Self Titled 7" (CAH10)(Preorder is up!) 481742_547570908589859_2072307093_n
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Torpedo Holiday - Self Titled 7" (CAH10)(Preorder is up!)
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