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 Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeTue Nov 06, 2012 4:18 pm

My name is Johnny. I have some rare Gaslight and Crowes stuff I am selling. If you are interested in buying it you can hit me up on the message board and I will get you my email.

-Old White Lincoln UK CD single
-59 Sound UK CD single
-American Slang reference CD from Precision Mastering (this is the disc the mastering company supplies so the artist and label can approve the mastering before ordering "parts" [production master CD's and LP lacquers]
-She Loves You/Tumbling Dice 7"s (i have one of each of the four colors and the UK variant)
-Horrible Crowes "Ladykiller" 7 inch test pressing


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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeTue Nov 06, 2012 11:15 pm

I assume you're the same JohnnyB from S1D?
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeTue Nov 06, 2012 11:57 pm

Yep! I was at SideOneDummy...the company restructured and my position got eliminated, so now i am just Johnny B.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeWed Nov 07, 2012 1:39 am

johnnybouchard wrote:
Yep! I was at SideOneDummy...the company restructured and my position got eliminated, so now i am just Johnny B.

Sorry to hear that dude. You should get a good price for that HC test press.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeWed Nov 07, 2012 2:30 am

sorry to hear about your job. i just pmd you tho so maybe i can help you out just a little.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeThu Nov 08, 2012 10:31 pm

Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Tga-te10

Today I was packaging up some stuff to mail and I stumbled across the last US test press of Tumblin' Dice/She Loves You in existence. After thinking about it I have decided to put it up for sale. I am asking $200 for it. PM me if you are interested.

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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2012 9:48 am

Someone should jump on that test press! If I collected test presses, I totally would.


Do you happen to know what the final pressing numbers were for the Tumbling Dice 7"? Were the same amounts pressed in the US and EU?
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2012 3:43 pm

There were 4 U.S. test pressings and 4 Euro test pressings.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2012 3:48 pm

johnnybouchard wrote:
There were 4 U.S. test pressings and 4 Euro test pressings.

e mail sent.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2012 4:10 pm

brucesboots wrote:
johnnybouchard wrote:
There were 4 U.S. test pressings and 4 Euro test pressings.

e mail sent.

surprise surprise!!
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Dimestore Romeo
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2013 2:19 am

Johnny B Is The Man, He Hooked me up with some really nice stuff still gotta send over payment for a gaslight print will do that tomorrow, The good guys always get eliminated.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2013 5:40 am

yes indeed , top man, i also added a few nice things Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press   Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press Icon_minitime

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Selling some rare TGA CD's and a THC test press
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