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 Gaslight rare handnumbered print, Boston Middle East show, thinking of selling it

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Gaslight rare handnumbered print, Boston Middle East show, thinking of selling it Empty
PostSubject: Gaslight rare handnumbered print, Boston Middle East show, thinking of selling it   Gaslight rare handnumbered print, Boston Middle East show, thinking of selling it Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2012 8:06 pm

Print by Mazza from the most recent Boston show. Only 35 made, I have #27. handsigned and handnumbered. recently sold for $115 and $130 on eBay. I love it, but gotta pay rent -_-

Gaslight rare handnumbered print, Boston Middle East show, thinking of selling it WanUV
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Gaslight rare handnumbered print, Boston Middle East show, thinking of selling it
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