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 I made a short movie!

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Jagveer ///
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning
Jagveer ///

Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-09-27

I made a short movie! Empty
PostSubject: I made a short movie!   I made a short movie! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2012 3:32 pm

(Move/delete if need be...)

Hey guys, Some friends and I have created a short drama/mystery movie, and I thought I'd share it on here. If you've got 25 minutes to kill, we'd appreciate if you take a look Smile


P.S we already know that some of it is quite silly/not good, so I won't be offended Razz

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I made a short movie! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I made a short movie!   I made a short movie! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2012 6:57 pm

that's great, reminds me of these little stories i used to watch on vimeo Smile

there are some great points and some bads, so:

first of all: i love the storie Clap - simple but interesting, i wasn't bored once
than the acting: it's good or almost great ( you do acting in school or something like this, aren't you ?!)
camera shots: there are some really great composed views e.g. as your trying to destroy the box on the field, but altogether they're to static e.g. in some of the fast scenes + it would've been great if you used some closeups Wink
and if you do more post production on the colors ( use one color scheme) the whole film will be more consistent and forming a "one-thing" Laughing

..so i really enjoyed your vid, these are only some points i recognized while watching Wink

sry for bad english Very Happy
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Jagveer ///
Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning
Jagveer ///

Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-09-27

I made a short movie! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I made a short movie!   I made a short movie! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2012 11:54 am

Hi, thanks a lot for the feedback! It's our first time ever doing something like this, so there will of course be some problems.

I'm very happy with it though, thanks very much for watching!
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PostSubject: Re: I made a short movie!   I made a short movie! Icon_minitime

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