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 WANT TO BUY/TRADE FOR "rare" shirts...

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WANT TO BUY/TRADE FOR "rare" shirts... Empty
PostSubject: WANT TO BUY/TRADE FOR "rare" shirts...   WANT TO BUY/TRADE FOR "rare" shirts... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 5:47 pm

Hi all. I know finding either of these shirts is a longshot, but i figured i'd give it a try. I am looking for the 59 sound jukebox shirt as well as the special NYC Handwritten shirt with the date on it. I am absolutely heartbroken that I did not notice the shirt at the show because i was rushed at the merch table. Looking for either shirt in size M or L. I have some vinyl to trade but not much. I am willing to buy either one straight out. I will make it worth it for you. I am willing spend a decent amount for either shirt. Please help out a fellow fan. PM me if you can help. Thanks for reading.
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WANT TO BUY/TRADE FOR "rare" shirts...
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