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 SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Empty
PostSubject: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 6:30 pm

If you're interested in other bands I could post my trade list, will also paypal cash. I only have the green/black pressing. Gave away my orange years
ago :<

edit: looking for park ave and SoS now too


My doubles and things willing to trade. "RSD" means a rare limited record store day release. Pictures on request!


Against Me! - Crime
Alkaline Trio - Help Me
Andrew Jackons Jihad / Apocalypse Meow "pug life" split (clear vinyl)
Beck - Chemtrails
Bright Eyes - Singularity /2000
Built To Spill RSD 2010 - Water Sleepers
Chamberlain Featuring Brian Fallon - Raise It High / The South Has Spoiled Me #140/500
Elvis Costello RSD 2010 Live At Hollywood High - #4887
The Ergs! / Modern Machines split - All The Hits (green)
The Ergs! - Blue (blue marble vinyl)
Fake Problems - Soulless (pink)
Fake Problems / Ninja Gun Split
Feist / Mastodon split "Feistodon" RSD 2012 limited
Gogol Bordello RSD 2010 - We Comin' Rougher / Trans-Continental Hustle (see-thru green swirl)
M83 RSD 2012 - Mirror (limited etched vinyl)
The Mynabirds RSD 2012 - Generals / Fallen Doves (Hand painted #766/1000)
Off With Their Heads / Lemuria covers split (pink/white)
Regina Spektor RSD 2012 - pernha cnektop (white)
Sufjan Stevens / Rosie Thomas split RSD 2012
Ted Leo RSD 2010 - Oldest House / North Coast
Thermals / Cribs split RSD 2010 - Seperate / So Hot Now


Alkaline Trio / Hot Water Music split (picture disc vinyl)
The Black Keys - El Camino (Deluxe #996, includes live 7")
Bomb The Music Industry! - To Live or Die in Long Island (black/blue) #137/270
Brand New - Your Favorite Weapon (2012 deluxe repress)
Bright Eyes - People's Key (deluxe die cut /2000 red/black vinyl)
Conor Oberst - S/T
Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables (First pressing)
Jack White - Sixteen Saltines 12" etched single
Streetlight Manifesto - Somewhere in the Between (white with specks interpunk exclusive)

Last edited by A_Regular on Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:15 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 11:58 pm

i have the green/black vinyl collective out of 250 if u r interested? - post ur list!!
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 12:20 am

ive got these:

The Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim Demos - gold /650
The Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim Demos - gray and blue /359
The Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim Demos - orange /514
The Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim Demos - yellow /1600

i only want to keep one. feel free to make an offer or send me a link to your tradelist
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 10:42 am

I got the yellow one as well!

EDIT, I only have the green *
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 11:29 am

ozfacter wrote:
ive got these:

The Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim Demos - gold /650
The Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim Demos - gray and blue /359
The Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim Demos - orange /514
The Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim Demos - yellow /1600

i only want to keep one. feel free to make an offer or send me a link to your tradelist

Definitely interested in the orange and grey/blue. Not sure what they currently go for, but I will post my tradelist when I get home from work. Like 6:30est
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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PostSubject: Re: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 8:23 pm

Updated with my trade list in the first post. Lets make a deal!
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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2012 2:55 pm

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 3:15 pm

bump, looking to sell stuff on my tradelist
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 3:58 pm

yo.....how much do you want for that Against Me! 7"? My wife LOVES them.
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SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist?   SO who wants to trade me gaslight stuff or buy from my tradelist? Icon_minitime

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