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 TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine

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White Man In Hammersmith
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TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Empty
PostSubject: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 4:40 am

TGA is on the cover of Big Cheese magazine (not sure about the hoodie look for the whole band, even if we're used to it from Alex R. - and 'take over the world'?).

I bet we're going to have looooooads of cover appearances this year.

TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine BC146300a

more at http://www.bigcheesemagazine.com/magazine
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 4:50 am

Is this a British magazine? I've never heard of it.
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 5:03 am

simo wrote:
Is this a British magazine? I've never heard of it.

It is and it can be found in high street retailers like WHSmith.
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White Man In Hammersmith
White Man In Hammersmith

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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 10:32 am

I'll be grabbing a copy today or tomorrow!
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 11:57 am

I stood in the shop and read some of the article. The bits that I read to be honest made Brian sound like an egotistical, self-absorbed dickhead... I didn't buy it! But I didn't read the whole thing either. And the article is titled "Working on a Dream" which annoyed me. A lot.
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 12:08 pm

AGoodTime wrote:
I stood in the shop and read some of the article. The bits that I read to be honest made Brian sound like an egotistical, self-absorbed dickhead... I didn't buy it! But I didn't read the whole thing either. And the article is titled "Working on a Dream" which annoyed me. A lot.

Can I just ask why he came off like this?
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 12:11 pm

saltandburn1967 wrote:
AGoodTime wrote:
I stood in the shop and read some of the article. The bits that I read to be honest made Brian sound like an egotistical, self-absorbed dickhead... I didn't buy it! But I didn't read the whole thing either. And the article is titled "Working on a Dream" which annoyed me. A lot.

Can I just ask why he came off like this?

I was wondering that too. My first thought when I read your post was, "The journalist must have twisted Brian's words around! He would never sound like that. How dare they!" What did the article say?
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 12:19 pm

I can't remember it exactly. It was the paragraph where the front quote comes from... It was about what they planned to do/achieve. I don't think they twisted his words, I think they just missed out the tone in which he spoke. Damn... I'm now wishing I brought it.
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TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Empty
PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 4:23 pm

Brian is always making jokes about world domination. It's always in a light-hearted manner, but he's damn serious about it. He wants Gaslight records in every household across the world. I don't think it's self-absorbed, he's proud of his work and he wants people to appreciate it!
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 4:26 pm

MattL wrote:
Brian is always making jokes about world domination. It's always in a light-hearted manner, but he's damn serious about it. He wants Gaslight records in every household across the world. I don't think it's self-absorbed, he's proud of his work and he wants people to appreciate it!

I have always though that was what every band wanted. They want to play music and get large masses of people to enjoy it. Nothing wrong with that.
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 4:45 pm

Yes but the bit that I read didn't show that ambition very well. It was more of a "I'm amazing and I know." kinda thing. I love Brian and the guys and hope they achieve that! I was saying that's how I thought the article displayed him. None of my own opinion in there.
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White Man In Hammersmith
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 11:57 am

Bought the mag today. It's a decent article, nothing special. What's interesting is Brian talking about Springsteen, saying "we didn't jump on his ship...he kinda jumped on ours". Big Cheese states they need not worry about being compared to The Boss anymore and then goes on to title the article "Working On A Dream". Real smooth Big Cheese...
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 3:31 pm

White Man In Hammersmith wrote:
Bought the mag today. It's a decent article, nothing special. What's interesting is Brian talking about Springsteen, saying "we didn't jump on his ship...he kinda jumped on ours". Big Cheese states they need not worry about being compared to The Boss anymore and then goes on to title the article "Working On A Dream". Real smooth Big Cheese...

Do you mind scanning the article? I don't think this magazine is available here in the US
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White Man In Hammersmith
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 3:39 pm

I can't access my scanner for a few days unfortunately, but if I can I'll try and get it on here sometime this weekend Smile If anyone else can scan it sooner that'd be cool!
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TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Empty
PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2012 1:43 pm

must... buy...tomorrow. thats sucks as big cheese is one of the few magazines in the uk besides fanzines that actually review good bands and write really well regarding them. for shame with the title of the article though Mad early trip to town tomorrow then to buy this!
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeSun Jul 01, 2012 2:11 pm

Has anyone spotted TGA on any other magazine covers for this month (for some magazines this will already be the 'August' edition)? Or any print adverts for the albums?

When American Slang was due to come out, there were full page ads in several UK music magazines, the album was 'album of the month' in several review sections, and TGA appeared on numerous covers [http://www.gaslightanthem.org/magazinesetc.htm]. This launch seems a lot more muted, even though the album is billed as the one.

Also, no tracks from Handwritten seem to have appeared on free cover CDs.
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeSun Jul 01, 2012 2:28 pm

They were in American Songwriter this month although it was a pretty generic article...nothing we haven't read a bunch of times before. Their photo wasn't on the cover (Jimmy Fallon was) but their name was in small print at the bottom.
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The Navesink Banks
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeSun Jul 01, 2012 2:39 pm

simo wrote:
They were in American Songwriter this month although it was a pretty generic article...nothing we haven't read a bunch of times before. Their photo wasn't on the cover (Jimmy Fallon was) but their name was in small print at the bottom.

There have been features in magazines this months, and even prominent reviews, but it just seems more low key. Maybe when the record hits the stores and becomes a big hit, then those covers will come out.
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I'da called you Woody
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 2:52 pm

shockingly bad interview i must say in big cheese and the bruce references and title of the article are uncalled for and feel like a dig seeing as they talk to the interviewer about ditching that tag. i know big cheese have supported the gaslight all the way and love them but this was shit
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 5:34 pm

has anyone else had a chance to scan this yet? Can't get my hands on the article all the way across the pond from you guys. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 3:42 am

I will scan the German/Austrian magazines when I'm back home. So far I haven't seen anything.
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PostSubject: Re: TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine   TGA on cover of Big Cheese magazine Icon_minitime

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