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 Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 11:03 am

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
As a lady I will say he did scarily well. As in I get confused that I'm hearing a male voice. I feel like I do when I hear him sing the Katy Perry song. It's great but sounds so weird coming from a guy.

The line 'So I packed up my things and I faced all my doubts, you know I think I will grow my hair back out' is so spot on. Lots of girls change their hair as a way of moving on from a relationship. Cut it short if it's long, or grow it out if it's short. I think cutting it short is more common though because that's a quick change. And I think anyone can relate to having doubts about getting out of a situation. It's easier to stay in the relationship sometimes but it's better to get out when it's no longer good for you.

The 'nevermind what you think, nevermind what you like. I'll take it out to the street for somebody else to admire' is also perfect. I think girls (usually) put a lot more effort into looking good for a guy than a guy does for a girl and part of that includes wearing our hair how a guy likes it or whatever. Subtle things that guys often don't even notice.

And the whole theme of not feeling appreciated is huge for girls. It's very common for a girl to feel loved by her guy and have fun with him but not feel like he appreciates all she does for him.

Boys, take a lesson from Brian here, haha. Damn Hollie is lucky.

I wish this was Facebook and there was a "like" button, because I like your analysis. Very Happy
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A Contender
A Contender

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 11:07 am

DeathoftheCool wrote:
and these are roughly the chords:

G-F-E flat-B flat
G-F-E flat-F

G-F-E flat-B flat...

B flat-E flat-B flat-G
(F as a transition)

B flat-G-E flat-F
B flat-G-E flat-G-E flat-G-E flat-F

These are pretty accurate, but the song is pretty clearly in "Gaslight tuning" (step down) so if you want it to be accurate, drop it to D and raise the key on the chords (Am - G - F) etc.
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 11:35 am

Bluuu wrote:
My BIG ex had short hair because I loved it, we had a terrible messy breakup after dating for 3 years and this song destroys my life

This! Exactly this!

FML. What a song.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:13 pm

Every single time I put this song on, it makes me cry. I love how it's from the female perspective, and I love how it is just so...real. I love every song Brian writes, but in this one especially, the way he doesn't dance around anything, he just tells it like it is...it's so powerful.
I'm not even going to try to analyze it from a woman's perspective, because StitchesontheRadio already said everything I was feeling

If Brian is really this in tune with his sensitive side.... his wife is a lucky girl Razz
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:18 pm

What seems to be missing here if you compare that song to those of the other albums that you speculate about the meaning/message of this song...this feesl kinda unencrypted and clear because I didn't notice any hidden relations to persons to other bands, movies etc.

Have you found something like that?

Btw: To those who don't like the intro-part..turn you stereo up, it has much more energy the louder it gets (the whole song is growing on me every time I listen to it)

Last edited by thomas94 on Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:24 pm

Afzoomie67 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
As a lady I will say he did scarily well. As in I get confused that I'm hearing a male voice. I feel like I do when I hear him sing the Katy Perry song. It's great but sounds so weird coming from a guy.

The line 'So I packed up my things and I faced all my doubts, you know I think I will grow my hair back out' is so spot on. Lots of girls change their hair as a way of moving on from a relationship. Cut it short if it's long, or grow it out if it's short. I think cutting it short is more common though because that's a quick change. And I think anyone can relate to having doubts about getting out of a situation. It's easier to stay in the relationship sometimes but it's better to get out when it's no longer good for you.

The 'nevermind what you think, nevermind what you like. I'll take it out to the street for somebody else to admire' is also perfect. I think girls (usually) put a lot more effort into looking good for a guy than a guy does for a girl and part of that includes wearing our hair how a guy likes it or whatever. Subtle things that guys often don't even notice.

And the whole theme of not feeling appreciated is huge for girls. It's very common for a girl to feel loved by her guy and have fun with him but not feel like he appreciates all she does for him.

Boys, take a lesson from Brian here, haha. Damn Hollie is lucky.

I wish this was Facebook and there was a "like" button, because I like your analysis. Very Happy

Thanks! Haha.

@thomas94 you make a good point. I guess I kind of like the change of pace though. But we know from the HWM reference in 45 and Mulholland Drive that he hasn't completely abandoned the references.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:30 pm

Yeah, I hope the album will offer a good mix of both. One reason I love the Gaslight songs for is that you can to interpret some in many different ways and the "puzzles" they include
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:33 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Afzoomie67 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
As a lady I will say he did scarily well. As in I get confused that I'm hearing a male voice. I feel like I do when I hear him sing the Katy Perry song. It's great but sounds so weird coming from a guy.

The line 'So I packed up my things and I faced all my doubts, you know I think I will grow my hair back out' is so spot on. Lots of girls change their hair as a way of moving on from a relationship. Cut it short if it's long, or grow it out if it's short. I think cutting it short is more common though because that's a quick change. And I think anyone can relate to having doubts about getting out of a situation. It's easier to stay in the relationship sometimes but it's better to get out when it's no longer good for you.

The 'nevermind what you think, nevermind what you like. I'll take it out to the street for somebody else to admire' is also perfect. I think girls (usually) put a lot more effort into looking good for a guy than a guy does for a girl and part of that includes wearing our hair how a guy likes it or whatever. Subtle things that guys often don't even notice.

And the whole theme of not feeling appreciated is huge for girls. It's very common for a girl to feel loved by her guy and have fun with him but not feel like he appreciates all she does for him.

Boys, take a lesson from Brian here, haha. Damn Hollie is lucky.

I wish this was Facebook and there was a "like" button, because I like your analysis. Very Happy

Thanks! Haha.

@thomas94 you make a good point. I guess I kind of like the change of pace though. But we know from the HWM reference in 45 and Mulholland Drive that he hasn't completely abandoned the references.

Have you heard Mulholland Drive...or am I missing something here?
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:35 pm

saltandburn1967 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Afzoomie67 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
As a lady I will say he did scarily well. As in I get confused that I'm hearing a male voice. I feel like I do when I hear him sing the Katy Perry song. It's great but sounds so weird coming from a guy.

The line 'So I packed up my things and I faced all my doubts, you know I think I will grow my hair back out' is so spot on. Lots of girls change their hair as a way of moving on from a relationship. Cut it short if it's long, or grow it out if it's short. I think cutting it short is more common though because that's a quick change. And I think anyone can relate to having doubts about getting out of a situation. It's easier to stay in the relationship sometimes but it's better to get out when it's no longer good for you.

The 'nevermind what you think, nevermind what you like. I'll take it out to the street for somebody else to admire' is also perfect. I think girls (usually) put a lot more effort into looking good for a guy than a guy does for a girl and part of that includes wearing our hair how a guy likes it or whatever. Subtle things that guys often don't even notice.

And the whole theme of not feeling appreciated is huge for girls. It's very common for a girl to feel loved by her guy and have fun with him but not feel like he appreciates all she does for him.

Boys, take a lesson from Brian here, haha. Damn Hollie is lucky.

I wish this was Facebook and there was a "like" button, because I like your analysis. Very Happy

Thanks! Haha.

@thomas94 you make a good point. I guess I kind of like the change of pace though. But we know from the HWM reference in 45 and Mulholland Drive that he hasn't completely abandoned the references.

Have you heard Mulholland Drive...or am I missing something here?

I think she means that it is a reference to the film Mulholland Drive.

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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:37 pm

eagles1139 wrote:
saltandburn1967 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Afzoomie67 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
As a lady I will say he did scarily well. As in I get confused that I'm hearing a male voice. I feel like I do when I hear him sing the Katy Perry song. It's great but sounds so weird coming from a guy.

The line 'So I packed up my things and I faced all my doubts, you know I think I will grow my hair back out' is so spot on. Lots of girls change their hair as a way of moving on from a relationship. Cut it short if it's long, or grow it out if it's short. I think cutting it short is more common though because that's a quick change. And I think anyone can relate to having doubts about getting out of a situation. It's easier to stay in the relationship sometimes but it's better to get out when it's no longer good for you.

The 'nevermind what you think, nevermind what you like. I'll take it out to the street for somebody else to admire' is also perfect. I think girls (usually) put a lot more effort into looking good for a guy than a guy does for a girl and part of that includes wearing our hair how a guy likes it or whatever. Subtle things that guys often don't even notice.

And the whole theme of not feeling appreciated is huge for girls. It's very common for a girl to feel loved by her guy and have fun with him but not feel like he appreciates all she does for him.

Boys, take a lesson from Brian here, haha. Damn Hollie is lucky.

I wish this was Facebook and there was a "like" button, because I like your analysis. Very Happy

Thanks! Haha.

@thomas94 you make a good point. I guess I kind of like the change of pace though. But we know from the HWM reference in 45 and Mulholland Drive that he hasn't completely abandoned the references.

Have you heard Mulholland Drive...or am I missing something here?

I think she means that it is a reference to the film Mulholland Drive.

Haha I wish. Yeah I mean that the title at least is a reference to the film.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:37 pm

eagles1139 wrote:
saltandburn1967 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Afzoomie67 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
As a lady I will say he did scarily well. As in I get confused that I'm hearing a male voice. I feel like I do when I hear him sing the Katy Perry song. It's great but sounds so weird coming from a guy.

The line 'So I packed up my things and I faced all my doubts, you know I think I will grow my hair back out' is so spot on. Lots of girls change their hair as a way of moving on from a relationship. Cut it short if it's long, or grow it out if it's short. I think cutting it short is more common though because that's a quick change. And I think anyone can relate to having doubts about getting out of a situation. It's easier to stay in the relationship sometimes but it's better to get out when it's no longer good for you.

The 'nevermind what you think, nevermind what you like. I'll take it out to the street for somebody else to admire' is also perfect. I think girls (usually) put a lot more effort into looking good for a guy than a guy does for a girl and part of that includes wearing our hair how a guy likes it or whatever. Subtle things that guys often don't even notice.

And the whole theme of not feeling appreciated is huge for girls. It's very common for a girl to feel loved by her guy and have fun with him but not feel like he appreciates all she does for him.

Boys, take a lesson from Brian here, haha. Damn Hollie is lucky.

I wish this was Facebook and there was a "like" button, because I like your analysis. Very Happy

Thanks! Haha.

@thomas94 you make a good point. I guess I kind of like the change of pace though. But we know from the HWM reference in 45 and Mulholland Drive that he hasn't completely abandoned the references.

Have you heard Mulholland Drive...or am I missing something here?

I think she means that it is a reference to the film Mulholland Drive.

Yeah, I just thought about that. haha. I was about to get excited cause that is one of the songs I am looking to the most on the album for some strange reason.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:38 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
eagles1139 wrote:
saltandburn1967 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Afzoomie67 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
As a lady I will say he did scarily well. As in I get confused that I'm hearing a male voice. I feel like I do when I hear him sing the Katy Perry song. It's great but sounds so weird coming from a guy.

The line 'So I packed up my things and I faced all my doubts, you know I think I will grow my hair back out' is so spot on. Lots of girls change their hair as a way of moving on from a relationship. Cut it short if it's long, or grow it out if it's short. I think cutting it short is more common though because that's a quick change. And I think anyone can relate to having doubts about getting out of a situation. It's easier to stay in the relationship sometimes but it's better to get out when it's no longer good for you.

The 'nevermind what you think, nevermind what you like. I'll take it out to the street for somebody else to admire' is also perfect. I think girls (usually) put a lot more effort into looking good for a guy than a guy does for a girl and part of that includes wearing our hair how a guy likes it or whatever. Subtle things that guys often don't even notice.

And the whole theme of not feeling appreciated is huge for girls. It's very common for a girl to feel loved by her guy and have fun with him but not feel like he appreciates all she does for him.

Boys, take a lesson from Brian here, haha. Damn Hollie is lucky.

I wish this was Facebook and there was a "like" button, because I like your analysis. Very Happy

Thanks! Haha.

@thomas94 you make a good point. I guess I kind of like the change of pace though. But we know from the HWM reference in 45 and Mulholland Drive that he hasn't completely abandoned the references.

Have you heard Mulholland Drive...or am I missing something here?

I think she means that it is a reference to the film Mulholland Drive.

Haha I wish. Yeah I mean that the title at least is a reference to the film.

Haha gotcha. I am expecting a mix between Great Expectations and Heres Looking At you Kid for some reason. Strange hybrid....yes
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First Among Equals
First Among Equals

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:39 pm

thomas94 wrote:
Yeah, I hope the album will offer a good mix of both. One reason I love the Gaslight songs for is that you can to interpret some in many different ways and the "puzzles" they include

Me too. But I do like when I know it's not just a reference but something that Brian came up with himself. (Not to bash the references because they're fun). As long as I can dive into the music and still get something out of it months and years later then I'm happy.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:42 pm

saltandburn1967 wrote:
eagles1139 wrote:
saltandburn1967 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Afzoomie67 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
As a lady I will say he did scarily well. As in I get confused that I'm hearing a male voice. I feel like I do when I hear him sing the Katy Perry song. It's great but sounds so weird coming from a guy.

The line 'So I packed up my things and I faced all my doubts, you know I think I will grow my hair back out' is so spot on. Lots of girls change their hair as a way of moving on from a relationship. Cut it short if it's long, or grow it out if it's short. I think cutting it short is more common though because that's a quick change. And I think anyone can relate to having doubts about getting out of a situation. It's easier to stay in the relationship sometimes but it's better to get out when it's no longer good for you.

The 'nevermind what you think, nevermind what you like. I'll take it out to the street for somebody else to admire' is also perfect. I think girls (usually) put a lot more effort into looking good for a guy than a guy does for a girl and part of that includes wearing our hair how a guy likes it or whatever. Subtle things that guys often don't even notice.

And the whole theme of not feeling appreciated is huge for girls. It's very common for a girl to feel loved by her guy and have fun with him but not feel like he appreciates all she does for him.

Boys, take a lesson from Brian here, haha. Damn Hollie is lucky.

I wish this was Facebook and there was a "like" button, because I like your analysis. Very Happy

Thanks! Haha.

@thomas94 you make a good point. I guess I kind of like the change of pace though. But we know from the HWM reference in 45 and Mulholland Drive that he hasn't completely abandoned the references.

Have you heard Mulholland Drive...or am I missing something here?

I think she means that it is a reference to the film Mulholland Drive.

Yeah, I just thought about that. haha. I was about to get excited cause that is one of the songs I am looking to the most on the album for some strange reason.

Same here. And to anyone who complained about Brian' voice being too high, on absolutepunk I asked Jason Tate what songs I should look forward to the most if I like the gritty lower vocals and he said Howl, Mulholland Drive, Too Much Blood and Desire. So there you go.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 5:46 pm

eagles1139 wrote:
saltandburn1967 wrote:
eagles1139 wrote:
saltandburn1967 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
Afzoomie67 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
As a lady I will say he did scarily well. As in I get confused that I'm hearing a male voice. I feel like I do when I hear him sing the Katy Perry song. It's great but sounds so weird coming from a guy.

The line 'So I packed up my things and I faced all my doubts, you know I think I will grow my hair back out' is so spot on. Lots of girls change their hair as a way of moving on from a relationship. Cut it short if it's long, or grow it out if it's short. I think cutting it short is more common though because that's a quick change. And I think anyone can relate to having doubts about getting out of a situation. It's easier to stay in the relationship sometimes but it's better to get out when it's no longer good for you.

The 'nevermind what you think, nevermind what you like. I'll take it out to the street for somebody else to admire' is also perfect. I think girls (usually) put a lot more effort into looking good for a guy than a guy does for a girl and part of that includes wearing our hair how a guy likes it or whatever. Subtle things that guys often don't even notice.

And the whole theme of not feeling appreciated is huge for girls. It's very common for a girl to feel loved by her guy and have fun with him but not feel like he appreciates all she does for him.

Boys, take a lesson from Brian here, haha. Damn Hollie is lucky.

I wish this was Facebook and there was a "like" button, because I like your analysis. Very Happy

Thanks! Haha.

@thomas94 you make a good point. I guess I kind of like the change of pace though. But we know from the HWM reference in 45 and Mulholland Drive that he hasn't completely abandoned the references.

Have you heard Mulholland Drive...or am I missing something here?

I think she means that it is a reference to the film Mulholland Drive.

Yeah, I just thought about that. haha. I was about to get excited cause that is one of the songs I am looking to the most on the album for some strange reason.

Same here. And to anyone who complained about Brian' voice being too high, on absolutepunk I asked Jason Tate what songs I should look forward to the most if I like the gritty lower vocals and he said Howl, Mulholland Drive, Too Much Blood and Desire. So there you go.

Wow, those are three of the songs that I am looking so forward to. I completely forgot there was a song called Desire on "Handwritten" though. Did he say anything about National Anthem?
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 6:00 pm

saltandburn1967 wrote:

Wow, those are three of the songs that I am looking so forward to. I completely forgot there was a song called Desire on "Handwritten" though. Did he say anything about National Anthem?

When he gave his initial thoughts on the album he said National Anthem was probably his favorite at the time. I asked him a bunch of questions and I'm actually gonna post his answers over in the album thread cuz i bet a bunch of people didn't see.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 6:01 pm

Cool, do you know when you will put them up? I don't believe I saw them and I am quite intrigued to see his thoughts.
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I'da called you Woody
I'da called you Woody

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 6:08 pm

saltandburn1967 wrote:
Cool, do you know when you will put them up? I don't believe I saw them and I am quite intrigued to see his thoughts.

Just did.
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 6:22 pm

eagles1139 wrote:
saltandburn1967 wrote:
Cool, do you know when you will put them up? I don't believe I saw them and I am quite intrigued to see his thoughts.

Just did.

Thanks bud!
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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 1:00 pm

StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
MattL wrote:
If Handwritten is emotionally heavier than Here Comes My Man, then expect me to break down into tears.

Haha, I think it all depends on what you relate to most. I've had not fun break ups but never a really bad one so I relate to Here Comes My Man but it doesn't hit home as much as it might for some.

But Handwritten. It's a long story but I connected to that song so much I did tear up when I first heard it. As much as I love and connect to music it take A LOT to get me to actually cry over a song.
You've heard Handwritten?
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A Contender
A Contender

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 4:18 pm

Afzoomie67 wrote:
StitchesOnTheRadio wrote:
MattL wrote:
If Handwritten is emotionally heavier than Here Comes My Man, then expect me to break down into tears.

Haha, I think it all depends on what you relate to most. I've had not fun break ups but never a really bad one so I relate to Here Comes My Man but it doesn't hit home as much as it might for some.

But Handwritten. It's a long story but I connected to that song so much I did tear up when I first heard it. As much as I love and connect to music it take A LOT to get me to actually cry over a song.
You've heard Handwritten?

Probably from the German making of video. It seems like when they play the part about the song Handwritten, they wind up playing the majority of the song.
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A Contender
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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 5:59 pm

I have a terrible ear when it comes to this stuff, so maybe I am wrong...

But can someone tell me why it seems like Brian is hitting pretty high notes without much trouble on this new song, here Comes my man, but on 45 it seems like he struggles to hit the highest notes? Are the notes that much higher in 45 than here comes my man? Cause it seems like they are both hi-ish notes, and i think he nails it in here comes my man, and strains a little in 45. both great songs, just curious. like i said i know nothing about singing or notes or anything.
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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 7:06 pm

I personally think it's cause Here Comes My Man is sung at a slower tempo than 45, it allows Brian to rest his voice inbetween. Just from covering them both myself, I know that 45 is a lot harder to sing because of how quick it is, combined with the highness of the notes, than HCMM.
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A Contender
A Contender

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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 9:10 pm

Can anyone tell what the backing vocals are saying behind the "maybe your work will love you" part?
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I'da called you Woody
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Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 9:30 pm

snakester wrote:
Can anyone tell what the backing vocals are saying behind the "maybe your work will love you" part?

one of these, one of these, one of these days
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PostSubject: Re: Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab)   Here Comes My Man (lyrics & tab) - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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