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PostSubject: Film   Film Icon_minitimeFri Jun 08, 2012 3:54 am

So, any other DSSers interested in film? I know of a few on here who have expressed their interest, so here's a little gathering place for film buffs.

I love the medium, ever since my childhood. I've always wanted to make film. My plan for the summer is to make a few short movies, nothing over 5 minutes or anything. Mostly comedic/nonsensical, but I'd like to do more serious work.
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Age : 31
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Film Empty
PostSubject: Re: Film   Film Icon_minitimeFri Jun 08, 2012 6:13 am

Yeah I am, I have just finished my first year at University (art school) doing filmmaking Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Film   Film Icon_minitimeFri Jun 08, 2012 6:28 am

Almost went to school for film studies/filmmaking, but ended up going to a school where film studies was only offered as a minor and I went with journalism instead. I lack the patience to actually edit and whatnot, but I like being behind the camera and mostly screenwriting. I love screenwriting.
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Film Empty
PostSubject: Re: Film   Film Icon_minitimeFri Jun 08, 2012 12:17 pm

Gaslight23 wrote:
Yeah I am, I have just finished my first year at University (art school) doing filmmaking Smile

Alright, then you're in the perfect position to tell me how film school works (if you don't mind, of course.)
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PostSubject: Re: Film   Film Icon_minitime

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