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 Brian Fallon on Tom from Agianst Me

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Brian Fallon on Tom from Agianst Me Empty
PostSubject: Brian Fallon on Tom from Agianst Me   Brian Fallon on Tom from Agianst Me Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 8:03 am


So Tom’s gonna be Laura now… and in 2012 I still find people on the internet commenting on another persons life how they insult and condemn a person for his choices.

How about the people who go through this and never find peace and end up committing suicide? Would you rather that? Or maybe he could become a raging drug addict and ruin his life and family? Would you rather that? Or maybe we could have rules from a dictator where everyone gets killed for anything they believe against the government, oh wait that doesn’t work…

Brian Fallon on Tom from Agianst Me Tumblr_m3qnunbYKn1rsud9uo1_400
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The Navesink Banks
The Navesink Banks

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Brian Fallon on Tom from Agianst Me Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Fallon on Tom from Agianst Me   Brian Fallon on Tom from Agianst Me Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 8:11 am

I'm glad Brian brought up some of the points he did in that post. What about the people that turn to drugs to deal with this? What about the people that can't deal at all and commit suicide? No matter what, everyone should just be supportive and accepting and hopefully Tom will find the peace that he deserves.
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Brian Fallon on Tom from Agianst Me
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