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 Side One Dummy Records: The new Sub Pop?

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Side One Dummy Records: The new Sub Pop?  Empty
PostSubject: Side One Dummy Records: The new Sub Pop?    Side One Dummy Records: The new Sub Pop?  Icon_minitimeTue Feb 14, 2012 10:34 am

Continue reading on Examiner.com Side One Dummy Records: The new Sub Pop? - Winston-Salem Music | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/music-in-winstonsalem/side-one-dummy-records-the-new-sub-pop#ixzz1mMZpZfMF

What was true in 1986 to 1991 can also be true today. One may find a lot of similarities in one modern-day independent record label called Side One Dummyand the old Sub Pop label. Although based in Los Angeles, CA instead of Seattle, this small label’s roster of artists that include (and have included) Anti-Flag, Chuck Ragan, Flogging Molly, Fake Problems, the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, the Dan Band, the Horrible Crowes, and the Gaslight Anthem, is proving that the spirit of indie labels is still alive and well. Side One Dummy hasn’t concentrated all of the efforts on bands local to them as Sub Pop did, but the menu of artists do heavily reside in the northeast U.S. Like Sub Pop with the “drop D tuning” philosophy, Side One Dummy’s artist lineup does seem to follow a common theme and/or formula. A little mix of punk, ska, acoustic and sometimes Irish bar bands gives this label a concrete target market. Make no mistake; this target market is the group of consumers that are screaming for change and a new rock boom in the music industry. It gives the public bands that are writing from the heart, such as the Gaslight Anthem and Chuck Ragan. It’s safe to assume that Dave Grohl would approve.

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Red In The Morning
Red In The Morning

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Side One Dummy Records: The new Sub Pop?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Side One Dummy Records: The new Sub Pop?    Side One Dummy Records: The new Sub Pop?  Icon_minitimeTue Feb 14, 2012 12:50 pm

Great find! Interesting reflections on the pure sense of rock that you can find in side ones band contra sub pops early grunge releases.
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Side One Dummy Records: The new Sub Pop?
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