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 Interview: Gaslight Anthem drummer Benny Horowitz talks his new DIY hardcore band, Bottomfeeder

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The '59 Sound
The '59 Sound

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Interview: Gaslight Anthem drummer Benny Horowitz talks his new DIY hardcore band, Bottomfeeder Empty
PostSubject: Interview: Gaslight Anthem drummer Benny Horowitz talks his new DIY hardcore band, Bottomfeeder   Interview: Gaslight Anthem drummer Benny Horowitz talks his new DIY hardcore band, Bottomfeeder Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 3:45 pm


Bottomfeeder feature an assortment of New Jersey punk luminaries: Derek Reilly (Jaguar Shark), Corey Perez (Let Me Run), Dan King and Mike Maroney (Gates), as well as Benny Horowitz (The Gaslight Anthem). The new band recently released their self-titled debut EP on Gaslight Anthem guitarist Alex Rosamilia’s new record label, Human Blood, and it includes four blazing songs showcasing Bottomfeeder’s homage to the bracing melodic hardcore that once rattled the basement walls and VFW halls all across the Garden State. (Read AP's recent review here.) Drummer Horowitz discusses this side project, the importance of DIY and his evolution from basement shows to arena rocking with New Jersey’s most famous musical son.

Interview: Casey Boland

You’re obviously a pretty busy dude with the Gaslight Anthem. Why add Bottomfeeder to your full plate?
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Interview: Gaslight Anthem drummer Benny Horowitz talks his new DIY hardcore band, Bottomfeeder
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